Part 32

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I woke up to the sound of crying having no idea where I was at first. I heard Dally and Zola laughing but still heard crying. I walked into the living room and the crying was coming from Juliana's room. "Good morning sunshine!" Dally said looking up from playing with Zola. I kinda just threw my hand up and went into Juliana's room. "What's wrong?!" I asked. "You have a family and I want that!" She said continuing to cry. "Do you know what happened at the hospital yesterday?" I asked her. "N-no what happened?" She asked me. "There was a shooter. Basically my ex got shot, my aunt got a close encounter with it and almost shot, my mom offered to die, my mom had a miscarriage, my dad got shot, and I had a gun to my head for helping my dying father." I said with a sigh. "Oh my gosh." Juliana said shocked. "Yeah. And then I got propsed to." I said. "Now I had a crappy past 2 days and you don't give up." I said. "My mom used to tell me that what's broken can be mended, what's hurt can be healed and that no matter how dark it gets, the sun's gonna rise again. Now I'm going to do something and you can't be mad at me because I now have a dead sibling." I said. I took out a sharpie and wrote that quote on her wall. "This will be a wall of quotes." I said. "Now it's my turn to cry so look at that quote." I said leaving her room.


I went back into my room because I had nothing better to do. I kinda just lay back down and stared at the wall remininsing of what happened at the hospital. I kept thinking on how my dad could have died and how I could have died. A tear started to slowly to fall down my face as I kept thinking these thoughts. I looked at my clock and saw it was time for dinner. I walked into Juliana's room. "I'm ordering take out what do you want?" I asked her. "Burgers." She said. "Doesn't matter where from." She tagged on. "Okay." I said leaving her room. "Hey babe?" I asked. "Yes princess?" Dally said coming up from behind me. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked him. "It doesn't matter." He said kissing my cheek. "Okay then." I said. "Hey Zo? Do you want chicken nuggets for dinner?" I asked her. "Yes please!" She said excidetly. "Okay I'll go get dinner." I said walking out of the apartment.


I arrived back at home with the food and we ate. "Hey Y/N? Can we go back to Uncle Mark's? I wanna play with Sofia." Zola asked me. "Maybe tomorrow it's late tonight." I said. "But I'll go ask him." I said throwing my stuff out and knocking on Mark's door. "Hey Mark can I leave Zola with you tomorrow? I want to have some alone time with Dally." I asked. "Um if you guys are doing the nasty then no." He said crossing his arms. "No gosh no. Just want to hang out with my fiance since I haven't had any alone time with him since the shooting." I said. "Oh then yes." He said closing the door in my face. "Okay Zo! You are going to play with Sofia tomorrow. And you Dally are staying with me." I said hugging him from behind. "Finally no kids." He said.

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