Part 59

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I hugged the gang as they come in and Pony held on to me longer that anyone. "Lexie is with Juliana so don't worry about waking her up." I said. I gave them all a Pepsi and they sat on the couch. They all talked for a while. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I decided to take a pregnancy test just in case. While I was waiting for the results Pony came into the room. "Everything okay?" I asked concerned. "Is it okay if I cry?" He asked approaching me. "You don't have to ask. Your a human that has emotions. You don't have to hide." I said. He ran into my arms and started crying on my chest. After a few minutes of him crying I started to cry. "Hey Pony." I said. He just looked up at me with sorrow in his eyes. "I just took a pregnancy test. The results should be in now." I said. I could see his eyes light up for a second and then they went back to sorrow. "What are you doing! Flip it over already!" He said impatient. I flipped it over and it said positive. "You're pregnant!" He said smiling at me.
We walked out and all the guys were laughing. "Hey Pony! Where'd you go?" Soda asked. "I noticed Y/N was taking a while so I went to check up on her." Pony said taking a spot beside Steve. "Can I get you guys anything?" I asked. "Some company!" Two-bit said. "Yeah! Come here!" Dally said scooting over. I took the spot next to him. "You alright?" I whispered in his ear. "Drowning out my sorrows." He responded in my ear. I rested my hand on his knee and engaged in conversation. "You guys must be hungry. I'll get you guys a snack." I said getting up. I got myself apples and caramel and everyone else peanut butter and celery. "Wait that's not fair! You get the good snack!" Steve said complaining. "Why do you get the good kind!" Two-bit said also. "Because I'm the pregnant lady!" I snapped at them. They all looked at me. "Surprise!" Pony said with jazz hands.


Everyone looked at me in shock. "You're serious?" Darry asked me. "I can go get the stick I peed on if you want." I said leaning back and eating my snack. "Baby Delinquent!" Dally yelled. "No!" I said hitting him in the back of the head. "Maybe you should name the baby." Pony said laughing at Dally. "I did like your girl name though." I said finishing my snack. "Ready for two children running around the house?" I asked. "Oh lord. Two Winston's were already enough." Darry sighed. "But you love us." I said putting my elbows on his head. "Ow Y/N!" He said trying to move them. "Watch the delinquent!" Dally said.


I took the next day off so we could have emotions but the next day I went to work because my maternity leave was over. "Dr. Bailey!" I said coming behind her. "Dr. Winston." She said giving a chart to a nurse. "Miss me?" I asked her with a sly smile. "As much as I hate to say it. Yes." She said sighing causing me to gasp. "So you're chief now?" I asked her. "Yep. The head of ortho just walked out on us." She said sighing. "So you don't have a head of ortho?" I asked curiously. "We don't have any ortho actually." She said. "You have plenty of plastics though?" I asked. "What are you hinting at Dr. Winston." She said turning to me. "Well... Don't hate me Mark." I mumbled. "I can't stand plastics. I only did it for Mark. I can do ortho. Callie taught me everything." I said begging. "Don't make me regret this decision." She said.


Alex and I were talking and we both got paged to the ER. "Whatcha got?!" I asked putting gloves on. "Harry Potter. Age 14. Fell from 4 stories high. Multiple bone fractures. SATs are normal." The paramedic said. "Take him to trauma 1!" Teddy yelled. After everyone else did their exam I went and did mine. "Hello Harry." I said with a smile. "Hello Doctor." He said skidish. "Hospitals not your thing?" I asked snapping a pair of gloves on. "Uh- I've actually never been in one." He said. "Oh really. Well we're gonna take great care of you." I said walking towards his legs. A bunch of teenagers showed up at the door. "Harry!" A young girl said running in. "Ah! Hermione!" I said as they all piled in. "Y/N!" She said shocked. "I thought you were a plastic surgeon?" She asked. "We now have plenty of plastic but not enough orthopedic so I stepped in." I said moving towards his arms. "Pottah." Draco said walking in with Juliana. "Someones famous." I said laughing. "When did you have another child?!" Hermione asked Juliana. "It's hers not mine." Juliana said putting Lexie down. "Well Harry. It looks like we can cast you up and be on your way." I said taking the gloves off. "Mama." Lexie said standing up. I squatted down and opened my arms for her. She started to walk towards me. Everyone started freaking out. "And your daddy missed it." I said balancing her on my hip. "Give me a second and I'll be right back in to cast you." I said walking out of the room.

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