Part 58

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"Guess what!" I said dragging the 't' out. "What?" Dally asked slowly waking up. "I'm going to work." I said putting shoes on. "Aren't you on maternity leave still?" He asked sitting up. "Yep. But I wanna go see blood and all of my friends." I said. "I see where that leaves me." Dally said rolling his eyes. "I'm giving you and Lexie daddy daughter time!" I said putting my ring on a necklace. "Fine." He said opening his arms. "I'll see you soon." I said kissing him then leaving.


"Hey Jo!" I said walking up to her. "And you're here for?" She asked confused. "It's a test for Dally. To see if he realizes it's our anniversary." I said putting my hands in my pocket. "Well that's cruel." Jo said. "I'm bored alright!" I said walking off. Then Alex called me. "Hey Karev." I said answering the phone. "Y/N. It's your mom." He said and I started sprinting to her room at the hospital. "What in the!" I said opening her door and gasping at the sight in front of me. "And you didn't tell me?!" I said slightly yelling at Karev. "Y/N!" Zola said hugging me. "And who's this?" I asked mentioning the baby in my moms arms. "Ellis Shepherd." My mom said to me. "I'd love to stay and talk but I have a cleft lip to fix." I said paging Deluca. "Deluca!" I said as he came up to me. "Ever fixed a cleft lip?" I asked walking away.


"Alright everybody. It's a beautiful day to save lives. Let's have some fun." I said walking up to the table. "Since when have you said that Dr. Winston." Deluca asked me. "Well this is my first surgery ever since I had Lexie. So I guess now." I said with a slight chuckle. "Well it suits you well." Deluca said. "I've got Mark's scrub cap, my dad's saying, and I named my daughter after Lexie." I said laughing. "It's like everyone is here with you." Deluca said while suctioning. "And every time I look up in the gallery I remember all the time me and George had up there." I said glancing up. Callie entered the OR towards the end of my surgery. "Dr. Winston." She said. "Ah! Dr. Torres." I said with a smile but no one saw because of the mask. "Dallas is in OR 2." She said with a face. "How?!" I said looking up at her. "You have to come." She said leaving. I looked at Deluca. "Go. I'll close." Deluca said. "You're a life saver. Bokhee make sure he doesn't mess up this young mans face." I said walking out of the sterile field.


I grabbed a mask and rushed into OR 2. "What happened?!" I asked not entering the sterile field. "You shouldn't be in here right now." Webber said. "My husband is on your OR table right now. Can someone please tell me what's going on?!" I said looking around. "Dr. Winston!" Webber said looking up at me. "Don't kill him." I said rolling my eyes and walking up to the gallery. Maggie came into the gallery with me. "Hey Maggie." I said sitting down. "Hello! How's the little one?" She asked me. "She keeps me on my toes. She just started crawling so." I said sitting down. "Wait is he?" Maggie asked. "He is!" I said running over to the intercom. "Richard! He's awake!" I said pushing the talk button. All of a sudden Dally stood up with a bouquet of flowers. "What is going on?" Maggie said. Then Karev put me on his shoulders and took me down to the OR. "So you're not dead?" I asked as he put me down. "Not one bit." Dally said walking towards me. "Don't scare me like that!" I said playfully hitting his chest. "Where's Lexie?!" I asked looking around. He pointed up to the gallery and I saw Maggie holding her. "Did you really think I would forget?" He asked me. "It was a test." I said crossing my arms. "So you left me?" He asked. "No. There was a kid who had a cleft lip and needed the best." I said as Dally hopped up on the table. Dally held his chest and fell back dramatically. "Dr. Pierce! I think I have broken heart syndrome!" He said. "So dramatic." I said pulling him up. I stood in between his legs and we just took in each other's features. Eventually he smashed his lips into mine. "I couldn't resist." He said pulling away. "Let's go home." I said taking his hand and walking to the gallery. "If you guys want to have a date night I can watch her." Maggie said. "That would be amazing Dr. Pierce." Dally said putting his hand on her shoulder.
"A year ago today Lexie was conceived." Dally said putting his arms on both sides of my head. "He can do math!" I said covering my mouth. "You take the fun out of everything." He said starting to walk away. "Be like that then." I said laying against a pillow. I started to slowly drift off to sleep which clearly made Dally mad. He filled a pot with cold water and dumped it on me causing me to gasp. "DALLAS!" I yelled getting up. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!" He said while standing over me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down on top of me. "Y/N!" He groaned as he got wet. "Sucks to suck." I said releasing him. "But you swallow-" He said causing me to gasp loudly. "You are a child. This is why we only have one child." I said getting up and walking to our room to change since I was still soaked. "I'm not a child!" He said leaning against the door. "You want our child's first word to be stab!" I said starting to lift my shirt. He slowly got closer and closer to me. "Are you having fun." I said only in a bra. He smashed his lips into mine. He threw me on to the bed and got on top of me.
"So I'm thinking of the kids a boy we name him Delinquent but if it's a girl then I was thinking Delilah." Dally said turning on his side looking at me. "I might not even be pregnant and why do you want to name our son delinquent?!" I asked rolling over. "Spice things up a bit and there is also no way you can't be pregnant." He said shrugging. "Crap. What time is it?" I asked looking at my phone. "10:30?" He said confused. "Hey Maggie!" I said answering my phone. "I've been calling you for hours!" Maggie yelled through the phone. "Well you see..." I started to say. "Nope! Don't want to hear about my nieces sex life!" She said. "Do I need to come get Lexie?" I asked sitting up and putting clothes on. "Yes please." She said. "Okay. I'll be right over." I said putting shoes on and walking out the door. "Oi!" Juliana yelled causing me to turn. "Keep it down!" She yelled causing me to start running to my car.
The next morning Lexie had woken me up early and Dally was still asleep. I sat with Lexie on the counter and played music. I fed her and started dancing with her. She fell asleep halfway through so I took her off the counter and rocked her. Dally was finally awake and he walked up behind me while I was cleaning the kitchen with Lexie in a carried wrapped around me. "Did I miss anything?" He asked shirtless standing in the door frame. "Of course you did. We had so much fun." I said setting the sponge down. "You look tired. Wanna take a nap?" He asked. "Of course." I said following him into the living room. I laid on his lap and he held Lexie as I slowly drifted to sleep.
I woke up and Lexie was trying to say her first word. "I'll get the camera!" I said grabbing my phone. "Say stab! S-t-a-b!" Dally said encouraging her. "Say surgery! Sur-gery!" I said. "S-s- scorpio!" She said. "Did she just say what I think she said?!" I asked looking between Dally and her. She just giggled. "I'm gonna go beat his fathers face in." Dally said getting up. "Hey Malfoy's!" We both said knocking. They opened the door and had a shocked look on their face. "What's your son been doing to our daughter?!" I yelled. "What do you mean?!" Juliana said as Scorpio came up behind them. "Her first word was your sons name." Dally said. "And our sons first word was sex- ohhh you have a good point." Draco said. "Do you have a crush on Lexie?" I asked Scorpio. He giggled and nodded his head. "You better watch if man! That's my daughter!" Dally said squatting down to Scorpio's level. "Just know little man. Her favorite flowers are daisy's." Dally said before walking off. "DOES THIS MEAN WE ARE GONNA BE IN-LAWS ONE DAY!" I said covering my mouth. "Our kids are 1. Are you pregnant?!" Juliana asked. "Most likely." I said walking off.
We were having a chill day and Callie knocked on my door. "Hello!" I said opening it. "Hey Y/N." She said like something was bothering her. "Me and my new girlfriend are moving to New York. Our flight leaves in two hours. I wanted to say goodbye before I left." She said. I engulfed her in a hug and tried to stop tears from escaping which didn't really work. "Goodbye Calliope Torres." I said smiling. "Until next time Y/N. You're welcome for your relationship." She said smiling and walking off.
When I closed the door and turned around Lexie was asleep on Dally's chest causing my face to go from sad to in awe. "Who was that?" Dally asked. "Callie. She's leaving." I said flopping on the couch. He put Lexie on the couch carefully and laid on me. "Be careful. I don't know if I'm pregnant or not." I said sitting up. "Here. You lay on me and cry." He said to me with open arms. "I'm fine. I don't need to cry." I said sitting up and watching TV. The whole day went by and I was very quiet. Dally had put Lexie down and I was sitting on the couch in a hoodie and shorts. "Babe." Dally said sitting beside me putting his hand on my knee. "You're worrying me. Please talk to me." He said with pleading eyes. "What is there to talk about. My best friend left to go to New York and didn't tell me until she was leaving for the airport." I said looking at him with sad eyes. He just stayed quiet. "My best friend. All of my life. Just leaves." I said in disbelief. "I know. I know." He said pulling me into a hug. "Do you know? Do you really know?" I asked. "Y/N... Johnny died." He said and I can hear him battling tears. "Are you serious?" I asked pulling out of the hug. "I wouldn't be crying if I wasn't serious." He said as tears escaped. I pulled him into a hug. He's never showed his emotions like this. "Is she crying?" He asked sniffling. "I'll get her." I said getting up.
"Your daddy and I were having a moment missy." I said burping her. "Nice." I said as I rocked her back to sleep. I walked back into the living room with her and sat by Dally. We were looking down at her. "We made that." I said laughing with tears in my eyes. "If you want to invite the gang over you can. I can take her over to the Malfoy's." I said looking up at him. He just shook his head. I took her over to Juliana's and told her about Johnny. She had tears in her eyes but took Lexie and went back inside.

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