Part 10

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Sloan checked my hand out and he said I should be okay to perform surgeries. Thank gosh. We were all in the lobby standing in front of my mom's door. "Hey Y/N." My dad said. "Hey dad." I said moving my hand around. "Are you cleared for surgery?" My dad asked. "Well Torres said no but I iced it and Sloan said I should be fine." I said. "Well Sloan is plastics and Torres is ortho. It should be obvious on who you should listen to." My dad said. Then Lexie walked up. "Hey Y/N I just saw some girl walk into Dallas's room." She said whispering. "Okay it's fine." I said but my dad was blocking the way. "Dad." I said moving but he kept moving to block my view. "Oh Torres paged!" I said to get him to move then I saw some girl on top of him kissing him. "I-" I was speechless. "Oh Y/N." My dad said pulling me into a hug. Then Avery walked up. "Look's like your boy isn't your boy." He said trying to get under my skin. Sloan and Torres walked up because we all had nothing to do. Sloan saw what was happening in Dallas's room and suddenly I wished Sloan hadn't cleared me for surgery but I wanted to ask Callie. "Torres does my hand look any better?" I asked trying to stay optimistic. "It looks fine you should be able to do surgery but carefully." She said looking back at his room. Sloan started to walking in. "Mark. Don't." I said standing in his way. Then Soda and a bunch of other guys walked to the window. "Does anyone else want to show?!" I said trying to hold it together. Avery then walked by and hugged me from behind grabbing areas he shouldn't. "Let go of me!" I said trying to get away from him. I did again and I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and then an uppercut right to the face again. "Oh. Ah" All of my family said. Then Chief Webber walked in. "What is going on!" He said mad. "Well your 5th year resident here was touching places he shouldn't have so I hit him." I said shaking my hand. "Oh okay. Y/N are you alright?" Chief asked me. "Traumatized but yeah." I said. "Avery a word in my office." Chief said sternly. Mark started laughing. "Derek she definetly learned that from me!" Mark said. "Torres." I said throwing up my hand. While she was looking at it I looked back into the window wishing I hadn't. They were still going at it. "Gee Y/N! Two in 12 hours!" Soda said laughing. "Ice it and we'll see about surgery later." She said. "I don't want to reposition bones, I want to break them." I said softly. My dad and Lexie had a surgery, I gave Dr. Juliana post-ops to do, the gang stood at his window, Callie, Alex, and George went to my mom's room leaving me with Sloan. I just stood at the window not being able to look away. "Y/N maybe you shouldn't look." Mark said. "Pull me away." I said with tears welling up in my eyes. He turned me around and pulled me into a hug. "On the bright side. Avery is fired." Mark said trying to make light of the situation.


"Are you sure you can do this Y/N?" Callie asked my because we had to run down the procedure with Dallas again. "Check my hand first." I said. "Swelling has gone down. You should be able to be careful with a scalpel." She said taking the bandage off. "Alright. Let's do this." I said walking into the room. All of his friends were there and so was the girl. I couldn't look at him or her. Callie nudged me which meant I had to talk. I looked at Callie and went through the procedure. "And will you be in there Dr. Y/N?" Dallas asked. I wanted to say something smart but I didn't. "Yes." I said slowly. We walked out of the room and Callie started talking to me. "Can you scrub in?" She asked me. "Yes but if anything were to happen then I will step away." Dr. Juliana then walked up. "Post-ops have been covered." She said. "Okay then scrub in with me on this surgery." I said pointing to the window. "Okay ladies get him prepped and ready." Callie said while walking off.

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