Special Chapter I. Seer Dream

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A/N: First special chapter! I just really wanted to make one! This is short but enjoy! Teehee! 


Another peaceful day at U.A High, school for heroics, or so Midoriya thought.

A sigh escaped his lips as he quietly left the bustling cafeteria. He let out a quiet "excuse me" while he squeezed through the herd of students trying to enter the cafeteria. Hatsume's voice called him out of nowhere to greet him which he returned with a kind smile and a wave before continuing on with his walk.

Iida was just with him a moment ago, eating and arguing with Shouto about what would be the best serve for soba, hot or cold? The green head had to excuse himself after remembering that he had to reread his reference materials for the next class. So, with hurried steps, he made his way towards their classroom where he left his precious yellow old bag.

There are only a few students left in the hallway, savoring their leisure walk after being cooped up for four hours with nothing but the board and the four walls to see. Midoriya's mind was full of thoughts as he tried to recall all the lessons he had learn for the past few days. He wouldn't usually try so much to reread his notes but after spending a month of having Frank as a teacher, he realized that he needed to put a bit more effort to pass his class. Frank is the type of teacher who ask a lot of questions that require critical thinking that made him as Midoriya's favorite teacher, next to All Might and Aizawa, of course.

A pair of female students flinched as they passed by Midoriya, hearing him muttering words that they could not quite comprehend. He was keeping his eyes on the floor as he bit his thumb while murmuring all the lessons he recalls, unable to notice a light going in his direction in a fast pace, followed by a small female figure looking at him in sheer fear.

"AH! WATCH OUT!" he could hear someone called out in panic

Before the green head could even look back, he felt something knocking in his head, sending him down to the lilac floor. He could not quite comprehend what just happened, he felt his heavy eye lids slowly closing as if he hadn't slept for days. A thud was heard as he felt his body collided with the floor, his vision slowly changing into blur and he could feel his mind as if he was falling in an endless abyss.

A silent scream escaped his lips as he sat up from the bed he was laying on. The thick comforter shuffled under his sudden movement, his hands immediately grabbing them while he heave for air. Cold sweat falling from the back of his head, running down to his neck until it touches his cotton shirt.

"What happened?" he whispered to himself, eyes slowly adjusting to the light as he tries to see. He was expecting to wake up in the hallway or even to Recover girl's office. However, he woke up in a very unfamiliar room "Where am I?"

The room had a minimalistic vibe in it. It was organized and clean, very pleasant to the eyes, especially the lime green color painted on the walls. There was a moss green couch set a few meters away from the queen size bed he was sitting on. A television near the couch, and two more doors which he concluded one should lead to a private bathroom. He looked to the side and his green eyes caught the sight of the windows covered by thin white curtains.

He is in someone else's house but whose?

"Whose house is this?" he asked himself, slowly looking down to see his scared hands and arms. Weird, is what he thought, his arms looked larger than he last saw them, like an arm of an adult.

Panic slowly rising in his mind. He doesn't know where he is and had no slightest clue how he got here. Was it someone's quirk? An illusion perhaps?

He could feel a movement next to him and he immediately paused, his head slowly cracking as he moved his neck to see what moved beside him. Is it a monster? A ghost? Was he hallucinating? His breath hitched as his eyes landed on the pink locks he recognized.

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