Chapter 83. The Elite Students

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


A/N: A gentle warning that his chapter contains lots of curse words. Enjoy!


Their second arrival in Wolfsbane had seemed to be less constricting than yesterday. They felt more relaxed, as if they're ready to conquer the world. Once they've arrived by the gates of the school, their backs straightened in anticipation, wondering what they will be doing on their first official day in Wolfsbane High. The teachers had once again set a few reminders and warnings before letting their students leave the bus. Frank was the one who welcomed them this time, sending Irina's apologies for not being able to see them on their first official day due to some meetings she had to attend.

Frank led the group around the palace to introduce each of the famous facilities they have, especially those used by the students. It was a long walk but was worth it. Izuku was excitingly writing in his notebook as he carefully listened to his foreign teacher like he was on some museum tour. The Catherine Palace may be quite regal and historical to look at, but they have the best and modern technologies inside. The main palace building contains wide classrooms, which they found astonishing after seeing the seats were comfortable couches, a vast greenhouse cafeteria filled with beautiful greeneries, dining and drawing rooms, medical wing complete with professionals, science laboratories, conference room, offices, equipment room, gymnasiums, and development and equipment studio which students were not allowed to visit.

"That is the amber room," Frank pointed as they passed by a large golden door. He turned his head and gave them a quick smile. "It's prohibited for students to enter that room since it contains lots of treasures—antiquities, gems, golds—" the students almost melted the golden door with their intense stare. It is like they're contemplating in front of the pandora's box, except it's a door they're facing. Frank then lead them to a glass bridge where it connects to the other facilities around the campus. He pointed out more training and simulation facilities, some dormitories located far from the main building used by other exchange students, bigger gymnasiums, and arenas.

It probably took them more than an hour to introduce half of the area. Frank had then led them to a nearby tearoom for a small break which immediately made a certain ash-blonde's mood sour. "Why are we walking around like some damn tourist!? We are here to train, damn it!" he cursed out, kicking the foot of his squad's table. Thankfully, they were holding their cups.

"Bro, sensei said it's best to introduce the whole place so we would know our way around." Kirishima calmly stated, asking his friend to calm down. "We've been training nonstop in U.A, so it's a nice change of pace too!" he cheered, showing off his toothy grin, which irritated Katsuki more.

Unlike Katsuki, Mina looks like she was enjoying the whole tour. How could she not when she sees a lot of eye candy all over the campus? Seeing their friend almost gawking over a few foreign males talking on the nearby table, Sero called her out from her trance and poked her side, but she quickly dismissed him while dreamily saying, "Don't mind me here, I'm just appreciating the view."

"Same," Denki agreed, taking a sip from his cup as he let his yellow eyes follow the two tall females who passed by their table.

"These two are broken," Sero claimed, shrugging his shoulder while sighing. When it comes to good-looking people, these two friends of his are a big sucker.

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