Chapter 7. Second Half

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


"Seriously, I can't believe we wasted lunch break to look for you!" Sakura scolded, standing in front of Zasha who seemingly started to get smaller. She was fighting the urge not to strangle her friend. Umi was trying to calm the girl while Alexei tried to provide a space between the two of them "I mean, who's stupid enough to follow a random stranger around a gigantic stadium!? Your intelligence is incredibly questionable!"

"Sakura, calm down. Look, the game is starting" Umi said in a soft tone, trying to pull her seething friend

"We can eat while we watch, Sakura. Come on" Alexei smiled nervously at the glaring female

Sakura rolled her eyes and started approaching her seat "Next time at least bring your phone with you; you're making us worried" she sat down and sighed.

"Sakura's right Zasha" Alexei placed a hand on the pouting female and led her back to her seat. He handed the food to the girls while Zasha apologized to her pink haired friend.

Those who have failed to make it to the finals are still able to participate in a recreational event planned for this sports festival. There are guest cheerleaders from America, wearing an orange cheerleading uniform with U.A's initial in it, to liven things up a bit.

"What are they doing?" Zasha and the others heard Eraser head's voice from the speakers, and they followed where the attention is getting at. It was a few female students from his class wearing the same cheerleading uniforms and pompoms.

"What happened, Class A?" Present mic asked as he looked at the female students who stood frozen in their places "What kind of service is this?"

After the recreational event, sixteen players from four teams who won earlier will compete in the final stage, tournament style, one on one battle. Midnight had started the pairings for the final tournament using lots. However, two students withdraw from the tournament. They had reasoned with not remembering participating in the cavalry battle and felt guilty of managing to come to the finals when they didn't exert much effort into it.

"This ought to happen" Sakura commented, finishing her meal. Midnight allowed the withdrawal and they were replaced by two students from Class 1-B. The pairing appeared at the screens and the first battle begins with Midoriya Izuku and Shinso.

Once the pairing had been decided, the recreational event had started, and the students were encouraged to participate. They wanted the students to have fun even if they were not able to make to the tournament stage.

Some students didn't participate the recreation, rather they planned their strategies against their opponents, work to keep their composure, prepare for their battle, sharpen their senses and some tried to calm their nerves.

The recreation came to an end and Cementos used his quirk to create a platform for the contestants. Present mic thanked him and quickly caught the audience attention "Hey guys, are you ready?" everyone in the stadium roared in excitement "There were a lot of events, but it come down to this! The final battle! You can only rely on yourself! There are situations like this even if you're not a hero. You know it, right? Heart, technique, body, wisdom and knowledge. Utilize them all to rise to the top!"

"Present mic sensei is surely talented in being a master of ceremonies" Alexei chuckled and the girls nodded in agreement "his natural talent is useful at these kind of events"

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