Chapter 49. It's A Start!

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


The girls waved the class goodbye after receiving an immediate call from the Nezu, asking for their presence as soon as possible. Mina was all bummed out about it, complaining that they should stay for the fun part—voting on what the class will do for the school festival. It'll be a miss, but they insisted that Nezu's call is important. Zasha had laughed at their complaints and said that she couldn't wait to hear their decision even though she had little doubt that they'll be able to decide one for today.

Zasha was specifically excited about it, hopping on her heels as they walked through the hallway. She had asked about her two friends about what are the typical ideas that students do in school festivals and they had answered with the usual Takoyaki shop, maid cafes, haunted house, cosplays and many more. Events like this are usually open for the public to see and enjoy along with the U.A students but given with the circumstances, U.A. can't open their doors yet.

"So, students do all of it? Funding, production?" the blonde asked, eyes widening a little at the thought of organizing something so hectic.

Nodding, Sakura replied "It's actually a good way to test or practice the students' creativity, teamwork and talent in entrepreneurship. Besides the memories with friends, hard work and achievements are a part of its importance" Umi nodded along in agreement.

They had reached Nezu's office after a few minutes walk. Zasha was the one who knocked on the door before leading themselves inside the familiar office "Good morning, Principal Nezu" they greeted in unison with a curtsy after closing the door behind them.

"Great, you three are early" Nezu beamed, greeting them back with a good morning "I have read your full reports for the past months since you had started here about you know" he said, tapping his paw on the stacked papers beside his closed laptop "and so far there are no suspicious activities lately according to your reports which matches with the other pro heroes' reports. The only thing that kind of caught my attention was Sakura's report about Miss Camie Utsushimi, a second-year high school from Shiketsu" he took the report paper from the top and flipped through it until he had reached the highlighted part "She was targeted by the League of Villain, impersonating as her during the provisional licensure exam which was kind of lacking from her own awareness that she did"

Sakura nodded once and answered "Yes. I have heard it from Shiketsu's supervisor, you can talk to about it to All Might sensei, he was in the discussion that time. If I remember correctly Utsushimi-san has no recalling in participating the licensure exam so I could only hypothesize that a member of the league had disguised as her"

But what was the reason? That was Nezu's question to himself. For months, the league had only attacked U.A. and when they made a move, one of them had targeted a student that has far no connection from the U.A High School. He had also received the same concerning report from All Might.

Placing the papers back to the stack, Nezu smiled at her and said "Good job for being observant. We'll try to look through it and thanks to all of you, we can continue the school festival with a little hassle so I hope you continue with your work until the case has been solve" the girls bowed in response, letting out a solid yes "another reason why I called you here was because—" a knock came from the door "ah they've arrived, right on time" the double door opened and the rest of the members of Alpha 16 has entered, some with the same state as the girls, bruised and bandaged "Welcome everyone!"

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