Chapter 97. Pre-war

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes, they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


The winter break ended in a blink of an eye after the internships were over. Before they knew it, U.A's first-year hero students that had a full of bumpy rides were only three months away from ending. They were all called back to school to start another semester as students.

"Good morning, everyone!" Iida happily greeted them as soon as he was settled in front of the class with Momo. She welcomed the others with a beaming good morning and congratulated her classmates, who were also done with their internships. "Our lesson today will be about your internship reports. Please share your experience during the winter break with us." He raised a hand to fix the glasses sliding from his nose, its lens reflecting against the light. "All right, everyone. Suit up and get to Ground Alpha!"

A week of winter break is dedicated to their internship training. How well did everyone do?

Aizawa angrily slid the door open, holding his iconic yellow sleeping bag in one arm. He scowled and asked, "How long are you going to keep talking—" he stopped midway when he noticed his students were already exiting the room one by one with their suitcases in their hands.

Mina was the first to greet him with a cheery "Good morning!" while Tsuyu gave Aizawa a respectable bow before following the pink girl out of the room to the changing room.

Iida smiled at Aizawa and said, "I conveyed the main agenda of the day to the class." A bit dumbfounded, their homeroom teacher nodded and watched the interaction between his students. He expected them to drag their feet, but they are surprisingly motivated today. What is this character development I'm seeing?

The PA system rang in the halls before announcing Aizawa's presence in the staff office. He raised an eyebrow and silently excused himself, utterly oblivious of what he'll discover in the next few hours.

"Are you going to join us change?" Jirou whistled and noticed the three students from Wolfsbane standing up from their seats and grabbing their suitcases. "I thought you'll use that fancy thing to change your clothes." She pointed at the blinking device attached to their black cases. She'd prefer using it if it were her since it wasn't time-consuming, especially during emergencies.

Sakura lifted the suitcase with her hand to look at the device and simply reasoned. "It's charging."

What's that?! A phone?! "Is that so?" Jirou sweatdropped and decided to join the trio in walking themselves to the changing room.

"Oh my!" Mina gasped, catching everyone's attention and following her gaze as she stated, "Ochaco-chan, you got a new costume!"

Zasha smiled and crossed her arms after unbuttoning her white shirt. "My! It suits you well!"

"Indeed, it looks great on you," Momo agreed, slipping into her suit.

Ochaco bashfully grins and places a hand on her head. "Really? That's a relief." Mina and Jirou curiously stood around her suitcase to peek at the rest of Ochaco's new equipment.

"So, this is Uraraka's new wrist?" Jirou gently grabbed Uraraka's upgraded equipment and was wholly surprised at how much weight it gained. She almost let go of it. "It's so heavy!"

"It's because of the wires inside," Ochaco explained while she slipped her foot and leg into her boots. "Weight won't be an issue for me as long as I have my quirk, but the crate is quite heavy." Mina eyed her friend's belt curiously. She took it out from the case and asked what it did while Jirou handed the wrist to Ochaco.

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