Chapter 8. Midoriya vs Todoroki

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


After a short break, the first match of the second round has arrived. The crowd went wilder as the anticipated battle between Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shouto has come.

Despitebof everyone's excitement, Umi felt uncomfortable sitting from her seat. She tried to take out her nervousness by fiddling with her jacket's sleeves that hid her shaking hands.

Present mic announced the second round and the crowds' cheer went louder, almost shaking the stadium "They both stand at the top of this year's sports festival. Midoriya versus Todoroki! It's a battle between two great fighters, ready—" the two students quickly ready themselves to attack, listening to Present mic's go signal "Start!"

"Both are attacking first!" Zasha pointed out as Shouto released a line of ice towards his opponent, clearly attempting to do what he did to Sero earlier.

"Both are attacking first!" Zasha pointed out as Shouto released a line of ice towards his opponent, clearly attempting to do what he did to Sero earlier

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Midoriya quickly stopped him by flicking a finger, crashing the ice before it gets to him. A strong wave of cold wind, mixing with Shouto's ice, came from Midoriya's attack, sending it out to the audience. Shouto managed to summon a wall of ice on his back to keep him from getting blown out of the bounds.

Cheering, Present mic stated "Midoriya broke through Todoroki's attack!"

Zasha raised an eyebrow when she managed to notice Midoriya's injury in his middle finger. She stayed quiet and tried to think of its cause then she remembered that he only recently got the one for all quirk from her uncle "perhaps his body is not compatible enough with his quirk?" she muttered to herself "Clearly, the backlash of a quirk he couldn't control" If he can't fully control it then he could lose and end up with a critical injury "This is like a double edge sword"

Shouto used his ice to attack once again and Midoriya managed to break through, adding another injury in his finger. He did it again twice and after that, Shouto tries to close his gap with his opponent by running through the ice that he made. Midoriya flicked a finger to destroy the ice but Shouto managed to dodge it by jumping. As he falls, he attempted to touch Midoriya and the latter dodge despite of the aching feeling in his hands. Shouto's hand made its way to the ground and once Midoriya dodge, he quickly directed the ice and managed to freeze his right foot. Midoriya didn't use one finger, instead he used his whole arm and fist to break the ice, sending a powerful wind impact all around the arena. The wind was enough to blow his opponent but Shouto managed to support his back using a wall of ice once more.

"Oh that's got to hurt" Sakura winced as she could finally notice the green haired male's whole left arm and hand all broken "What kind of quirk is that? He could end up killing himself"

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