Chapter 4. U.A High School

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


With her black card out of her hands, Zasha had no choice but to spend the rest of her days in Toshinori's apartment with only a few things to keep her entertained until the day of her supposed arrival to U.A has come.

While waiting for the day to come, she mostly spent her time training her body or contacting her best friends who also had the same idea of training themselves while they wait.

It was a bit early when Zasha had woken up to prepare herself for the day. The sky is a bit too dark to say that the sun is already rising. Toshinori had came back from his morning jog and started making a breakfast for the two of them while his niece was busy dressing herself.

He looked by the clock and saw that its still 4:30 in the morning "Are you sure its 6 am?" he asked a bit loudly, to make sure Zasha heard him from her room. He could faintly hear the hair dryer from her room.

"Yes! I'm sorry for bothering you this early" she answered in a loud voice while she dry her long platinum blonde locks in front of her white vanity mirror "I can't be late" she let out a small yawn and turned her hair dryer off. She took one last look from her vanity mirror before standing up and taking her school jacket and black gloves from her bed.

Zasha was just in time when Toshinori finished breakfast. He had already started settling the food in the table and saw his niece getting out of her room from his peripheral vision. Placing two glasses of water, he looked up and saw his niece wearing a black skirt, white long-sleeved button up shirt with a black tie in it, and black stockings. She placed her purple coat and black gloves by the sofa.

"and your bag?" he asked, waiting for her to take her seat "make sure you didn't forget anything" Zasha sat and started eating after thanking Toshinori for the meal

"I already fixed everything in my bag, they're already in the sofa" she reassured, mentally noting if she forgets anything. She took a glance in the wall clock and noticed that she still has plenty of time.

"Where will you be meeting? Do you want me to take you there?" he asked, taking a small bite from his toast

Shaking her head, she answered while taking a half spoon of scrambled egg "Someone will come pick us up. We'll be meeting you today as well, right?"

He nodded "Yes, as protocol Wolfsbane's students will be discretely introduced to us" he was quite confused as to why the principal insisted on keeping the program between Wolfsbane and U.A into a secret when they should be coordinating Wolfsbane's students with U.A's students, especially for first years. He believed that it would be a good benefit for both sides.

They finished breakfast together and Zasha wanted to wash the plates, but he had to stop her and told her to wash her teeth instead since her ride will becoming sooner or later. After she's done brushing her teeth, she stood in front of a mirror and wore her purple blazer with Wolfsbane crest on its left chest. She flattened her blazer neatly and started wearing her black gloves that was with the uniform.

She received her Wolfsbane uniform the day after she went on shopping. Toshinori was quite impressed on how prepared Wolfsbane is. They sent a large box containing Zasha's hero suit, different sets of uniforms and other things that she could be needing for her training. He also heard that she got an ATM card from the school for their monthly allowance and he made sure to remind her of being careful with using money. Wolfsbane even prepared a hotel lodging for the other students and transportation.

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