Chapter 27. The Royal Ball

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


All might's assistance was a huge help. He had already asked permission to the Nezu and Aizawa who were both surprised after hearing the details from the former hero. They couldn't really reject when they heard that it was an invitation from the imperial family. Nezu can't help but let out a sigh. He was not fully inform of the young girl's family background and that she is related to All Might. Her profile didn't really informed him of her social class, that she's the next Grand Duchess of Russia.

The young girl managed to reach the principal's office, hopefully to ask for permission but she was informed that All Might had already got one for her. She was glad to see Aizawa in the office with the mammal and the former hero so she took the chance to ask for another permission to let her take Bakugou Katsuki for the night, which surprised them even more. They were hesitant at first but didn't really had a choice. It was decided to let the two students go and to deal with this matter privately. If it wasn't important, they will not give their permission, especially that Katsuki was already involved in getting kidnapped by the league of villains. Nezu had made sure to laid out their condition: keeping their student safe, which the blonde immediately vowed not to put him in harm's way.

After receiving their permission, Toshinori drove his niece to a boutique that her mother had specifically recommended. He sweat dropped when he noticed that the whole boutique was rented out so they could freely choose the ready-made gowns for Zasha. The boutique had a modern victorian touch and smell of lime and air conditioning had immediately wafted through Toshinori's nose.  The employees were wearing a tight one piece navy blue dress from that was personally designed by the clothing line they were working at. When they saw the former hero and their VIP customer, they had greeted them with warm smiles, quite unexpected to see the symbol of peace in their store. Although they were ecstatic by his presence they had professionaly guided them to the emerald velvet tufted couch and offered a cup of teas and snacks that were placed in the glass coffee table in front of them before pulling a silver rack and mannequins filled with various gowns of different colors and design.

Since Katsuki refused to tell a word about his suit, choosing the perfect dress seems to be a challenge for her. She's used of matching her clothes with her families or partners whenever she goes into a formal party. Her eyes and ears were solely focused on the store clerk that had presented their best gowns but her mind was slowly drifting to the thought of picking something that Katsuki would like. Toshinori tried to help her out, suggesting the gowns he finds suitable for his niece, but she was contemplating a lot on what to choose.

Noticing her hesitation, the store manager had asked of her own preference like her preferred color or style. She tried to think and finally decided to go with red, hoping that she used the right color for the night. It would be quite disastrous if she goes in the party when Katsuki's wearing a very different style and color. With the help of her uncle, they found one perfect gown that they agreed on. The staffs of the boutique gladly took their preferred option and carefully folded it before placing it in a white huge box with their clothing line's logo printed at its center.

As soon as they are done with their shopping, Toshinori and Zasha settled with eating lunch outside before going back to U.A so she could prepare. Even though she had already pick her gown, there are still a lot of preparations to do. The boys had found it weird when the girls had insisted that Zasha needed a full body preparation for tonight. They had conditioned her hair, face and skin, making sure that everything will be perfect.

It was quite a fun bonding time for them as they helped Zasha with her preparation. Mina had settled with fixing her make up while Sakura does her hair. Umi and Momo were carefully checking the gown and prepared it for her to wear. Hagakure and Uraraka were giving their comments that would go well with both of hair and make up. Jirou and Tsuyu had helped with picking her perfume and accessories, quite surprised to see that she had a huge box of jewelries in her room.

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