Chapter 2. All Might's Niece!

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


"F-friend?!" he flushed, looking at her with wide eyes. A small hiccup went out of his mouth as he heard her ask a question that he had never expected "Me—me? But why?!"

Zasha gave him a friendly grin "Why not? We're at the same age and I can tell that you're a good person. Besides, you wanted to be a hero, right? Isn't it just normal for us to be friends, as aspiring heroes?" she winked at him and his interest immediately increased after hearing the word heroes.

"Well, I guess, you're right" he shyly answered, placing a hand on his nape while he looks away with a red face "Then I'm in your care, Romanov-san"

She let out a laugh and gave him a gentle flick on the forehead "Likewise. Just call me Mai" he blinked and asked why she wanted to be called Mai. She told him that it was her Japanese name given to her by her uncle "Zasha is kind of hard to pronounce, right? And I'm not quite comfortable being called by my last name so just call me Mai"

"Mai-san" he nodded, looking all serious which made her laugh "then you can call me Izuku, if that's alright with you" she beamed at his permission and nodded at him

"I see you two are getting along"

The two quickly looked where the familiar voice came from and saw a very skinny man with sharp, angular features and long limbs, his neck is long, and his eyebrows are absent. He was wearing a baggy casual clothing. Before Izuku could even shout All might, Zasha stood up from her seat and wrapped the blonde male in a warm hug "dyadya!" she gleefully called, burying her face in his stomach.

"Little Mai" he returned her hug and wrapped his long limbs around her perfectly tone body "I see that you're training is going well, your body looked great and you're taller now" he placed a hand on her platinum blonde hair as she looked up at him with a grin "You're starting to look like your mother!" he cupped her face and returned her grin with a genuine smile

Confused, Izuku looked between Zasha and Toshinori (All might). Both looked too familiar with each other. He only knew that she was some sort of an important client, but they looked too intimate to be just an acquaintance. The two took their respective seats while they converse with smiles on their faces. He couldn't help but thought of Zasha as All might's daughter since they share the same eyes.

Is she?! All might has a daughter!? Wait—he mentioned about her mother, that means! He also has a wife! Why didn't he tell me?! Why didn't anyone know of it?! Is it a secret? Like his true form?

Feeling his intense gaze, Toshinori looked by Izuku's direction and noticed him looking all curious at the two of them. He understood those eyes and cleared his throat "I guess you haven't had the slightest idea who she is" he placed a hand on Zasha's temple and affectionately ruffled her hair "Mai Yagi in Japanese. She's my cousin's daughter"

Izuku quickly threw the thought of Zasha being his daughter and beamed "So she's your niece! I didn't know you had any relatives!" he internally slapped himself for jumping to conclusions

"He's the boy I mentioned to you on the e-mails" Toshinori simply explained to Zasha as Izuku continued on with his blabbering about how cool it is that he was introduced to All might's niece.

Zasha looked at his uncle with wide eyes "the quirkless boy whom you handed your one of all?" Toshinori nodded. She moved her gaze to the muttering boy "This boy?" she blinked as she tried to analyze her new friend sitting in front of her. He's not scrawny anymore but his body still needs a lot of work to improve. She knew about the secret of one for all and that her uncle is its eight successor. She also heard from him that he's planning to find his successor but she wasn't expecting him to choose someone like Izuku, not to offend him or anything "Izuku, do you really want to be a hero?" her question caught the two off-guard. Izuku instantly nodded "What kind of hero?"

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