Chapter 9. Discreet?

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


With their identity kept confidential, Umi could not stay any longer in Recovery girl's office since students would wonder who she is. Midoriya had no idea that she was there, and he woke up fully functional, although he's still bandaged. Recovery girl did give her a few homework and pointers that she could work with once she get home.

The tournament continued on ahead until the winners have decided and the award ceremony had started.

Umi returned and with a mouthful of scolding from Sakura. They quite enjoyed the rest of the tournament and was already anticipating the top winners, but the appearance of the first-place winner was unbelievably hilarious. Katsuki was fully cuffed and tied, muffled screams as he tried to get away from his sorry state. Zasha was laughing as she saw the male caged like a wild animal.

Midnight smirked and announced the handing out of medals "This year the medal will be presented by this man" a familiar booming laughter appeared right at the roof of the stadium "Our hero-"

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Midnight smirked and announced the handing out of medals "This year the medal will be presented by this man" a familiar booming laughter appeared right at the roof of the stadium "Our hero-"

"I've got the medals" All might jump from the roof in his muscled form "right here" he landed perfectly to the ground, but his words were completely got overlapped by Midnight's voice

"-All might" it was an awkward moment and Midnight apologized for speaking over. She stood by the top contestants with a tray of medals in her hands "Please award the medals starting form third place.

All might start off with Tokoyami being in third, he gave a few words of encouragement and hugged the aspiring hero. He then moved to Shouto, had a few talks and hugged him. Once he's done with Shouto, he moved on to Katsuki who's still shaking in anger. He, too, believed that Katsuki was extremely handled with his behavior. He removed the muzzle off and congratulated the young boy but Katsuki was certainly not happy with the result. He showed off a very angry face and refused to accept the first place. All might have no choice but to forcefully placed the medal in his head which ended up inside his mouth.

"These were the winners this time" he extends a hand towards the other students "But everyone, every student had the possibility of standing up here, just as you have seen. The sight of them competing, enhancing each other, and rising further above. The next generation of heroes is sprouting forth! And so, here's some final words" he pointed right at the sky as he urged the spectators "Everyone, please repeat after me. Ready? Good work-"

"Plus ultra!" the spectators shouted. Realizing the error, they complained "You're supposed to say plus ultra there, All might!" and the festival has finally came to an end


"My stomach hurt so much" Zasha complained as she pressed her chin right at Alexei's shoulder. After the award ceremony, she couldn't find herself standing up because her stomach had started to act up from laughing too much. She had no choice but to rely on Alexei and let herself get carried out of the stadium. She had her arms wrapped around Alexei's neck while she weakly stared in front. They are catching a few stares here and there but they ignored the attention.

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