Chapter 47. Scars

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


An hour later after Zasha woke up, Shouto was quietly sitting on the tatami floor of his room. He was supposed to bring Umi to her room, but it was unfortunately locked, so he had no choice but to bring her to his room. Although unconscious, she looked really comfortable in his futon that made him smile a little.

When he saw his cousin and childhood friend earlier, he felt like his breath was forcefully taken from his chest. He had never seen them so worn and beaten. It was his very first time to seeing Umi's cheek covered with a bandaged as if she got hit in her face, he had also noticed the bandage wrapped on her chest and shoulder beneath her tank top. He knew they were both strong but trying imagine what happened to them was something he could not really take well.

Its been an hour since he had brought her in his room, some of their classmate had quietly came to check how she was doing but unlike Zasha and Sakura, Umi was still unconscious. Thankfully, she wasn't looking feverish and was probably just tired. He had never left her side and stayed to keep watch, even promised that he won't sleep if needed be.

He was scanning through his notes while keeping watch when another knock came from his door. Shouto took a brief glance on Umi's sleeping form to check before quietly moving his feet to approach the door "Yaoyorozu?" was the first word he said when he saw Momo standing in front of his door "You're still up?"

Momo nodded, smiling a little with a hand placed on her chest "I was making sure that they were receiving their food before I go back to sleep. Is Umi-san still not up?"

Shaking his head, Shouto pulled the door to let her in "You can come inside if you want" noticing that she's hesitating, he reassured "Kaminari and Jirou just left a moment ago to check on her as well"

"T-then, excuse me" she said, bowing slightly at Shouto before inviting herself in. This is probably the second time she entered Shouto's room, the first time was when they were competing for who has the best room. She felt rather nervous being inside a male's room, it felt different comparing to the girls' room she had been "The tea has gone cold as well" she pointed out, seeing the tray of pastry and tea she had prepared for Umi laid on the side of the futon.

"I was going to return it after I made sure she had regain her consciousness but it looks like it'll take some time" Shouto said, closing the door behind him and telling her to take a seat anywhere.

Taking a seat next to Umi, Momo gently moved the tray to her side and said "I could take it down myself. I'm sure you wouldn't want to take your eyes off of her. I heard from Sakura-san that you three grew up together?"

The bi-colored haired male nodded, neatly placing his notebooks back to the table behind him "Umi's a daughter of a family friend. We basically grew up together and she was also decided to be my betrothed in the future"

"Betr—" Momo's face was immediately painted red when she realized what he had just said "You two are engaged?!" social circles are very common around prominent families and early engagements between sons and daughters is not something rare but not usual as well. Even if she was born from a very rich family, Momo was encouraged by her parents to marry for love and not for something like an arranged marriage. It may be a beneficial arrangement for families but the Yaoyorozu strongly believes in the importance of happiness. This is the first time she actually heard someone getting an early engagement "Since when?!"

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