Chapter 82. Romanov Nobility

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


Catherine Palace and the way they have been treated was already overwhelming for U.A students. They've thought to themselves that there's nothing worse than being drag around to some historical and lavish places and having a dangerous and giant creature welcoming them in the streets. However, their thoughts had seemed to be challenged as they were brought to another palace called The Winter Palace, where Lubov Zasha Romanov is supposed to be residing.

The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia, is mainly known to be the principal imperial residence for Emperors and Empresses of Russia for over one hundred fifty years and up to date, where the remaining Romanov descendants are currently residing. This elegant and monumental palace is located on the bank of the Neva River. The green-white-gold three-story palace is a striking monument of a Baroque style, a great example of architecture and decorative plastic art synthesis, resembling the architectural design of the Catherine Palace. A two-tier colonnade embellishes all facades, and the exterior is decorated with fanciful decorations like cornices, mascarons, and many more. This building boasts its 1,786 doors, 1,945 windows, and 1,057 lavishly decorated halls and rooms which are known to be decorated with the collections of the previous royal family members such as antiquities, paintings, sculpture, and decorative artworks from Europe, Asia, and Eastern, which most are exclusive works of famous artists like Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo.

They all stood dumbfounded in the middle of a carpeted hallway as a line of foreign maids, butlers and guards greeted the young lady and their guest to the proud palace of the Russian nobility.

"Welcome home, Young Lady," they all greeted in fluent Japanese, doing a slight bow from the side to show their respect for the next head of the family.

"Yes, I'm back," Zasha replied in Russian as an acknowledgment, handing her coat to a maid who had just approached her. Umi and Sakura looked as if they were also fitted to be daughters of the nobility as they moved accordingly like their blonde friend. They handed all of their belongings to the maids, letting them bring them to their private rooms. "Where's mother and father?" she asked, turning her attention to the chief butler of the palace.

The chief butler stood with proper poise in front of her while saying, "Grand Duke and Grand Duchess are currently attending an important meeting. They will be home before dinner and had specifically instructed that all guests must be treated with at most care."

Zasha's expression remained still as she nodded at the butler, asking a few more inquiries about what she needed to know before turning her heel to face her friends, who looked lost once more. "Welcome to my home. This is Alek." She introduced, gesturing her hand towards a tall older male who had been keeping a stoic expression the whole time. "He is the chief butler of the palace, meaning he oversees everything by helping with the management of the palace and its employees. I know this is a bit too much to take in, but you'll get used to it. My mother had seemed to temporarily get all servants who can speak Japanese to make you feel more comfortable. So, if there are any other things that you want, then you can ask Alek and the servants." She briefly glanced at the butler and reminded, "Please take good care of them, Alek."

"Yes, of course," he replied in Russian before formally introducing himself to their guests in Japanese. "All of your luggage and personal belongings were already brought to your private quarters. You will all be having personal maids and butlers to accompany you and help you get accustomed to the palace and not get lost. The palace is indeed vast and overwhelming, but we will do our best to make you all feel at home."

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