Chapter 13. Who has the best room?

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


Aizawa dismissed everyone and they all went back to the common room to discuss about the chores before deciding to unpack. Sakura volunteered to cook for tonight's dinner while they work with their rooms and they immediately asked if it'll be okay with her and she answered with a nod "You need a lot of time to fix your rooms right? Well, we three had already done that before you moved in" she pointed at herself and the other two "So focus on your rooms first and we'll fix us all a dinner"

"We decided to have barbecue so" Kirishima took the money he got from Katsuki and gave it to Sakura "I promised I'll pay-"

"No need" Sakura shook her head and declined the money "We'll treat you ourselves" she placed a hand on her nape and said "I actually felt bad declining your offer for lunch so I wanted to make up for it and make a good dinner for all of you. Think of it as commemoration for accepting as so warmly" she slowly smiled at them and everyone, well the girls, almost squealed at her shyness

"You're so cute Sakura-chan!" Mina squealed and pulled her the pink hair into a tight hug

"Then, thank you, we'll look forward to dinner" Iida smiled at her

"Now go along" Zasha placed both of her hands on Sakura's shoulder and pushed her towards the kitchen while looking back at the class "Start with your unpacking! See you guys later" they nodded and started to separate. She then looked at Umi "Start with our work, Umi-chan" Umi nodded and summoned two clones made out of waters to guard outside the dorm "Let's get cooking!" she excitedly cheered as they entered the kitchen but her excitement stopped when Sakura raised a hand on her

"I will do the cooking, I don't trust you with anything" she blatantly said "A girl born with a golden spoon--I'm sure you don't cook"

Zasha pouted, complaining "that's discrimination Sakura! Well, yeah I don't cook but I'm really good at cutting!"

Sakura stared at Zasha with a doubtful look. The latter complained of seeing as a liar. Having enough headache, Sakura groaned and said "Fine! Fine! You can assist me but you're not cooking!"

"Can I help as well?" Umi asked, completely interested to learn as well. Sakura can't help but let out a sigh as she just realized that she's surrounded by two rich girls who had no idea how to do simple chores. She can't help but thank her grandmother for insisting her to learn basic chores, at least she can live independently.

The unpacking came to an end and it was already dark out. Zasha and Umi was ordered to serve the food and lay out the plates from the cupboards. It wasn't as stressful as Sakura thought it would be. The two quietly followed her instructions while she cooks and Zasha wasn't kidding when she said she was good at cutting the ingredients.

The smell of freshly cooked food had roamed around the ground floor, students who are already finished with unpacking were mesmerized by the smell of the food and quickly scurried towards the dining area. They were amazed by the foods on the table. Sakura welcomed them back and urged them to take a seat while she wiped her hand clean with a kitchen towel. They started to fill the seats and was almost complete.

Zasha noticed a certain hot headed one and her mentor absence. She asked if they're going to join them but Kirishima shrugged and said that Katsuki wanted to take an early rest. Iida then told her that Aizawa will be staying at the teacher's dormitory. She understood and told everyone to dig in.

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