Chapter 12. Moving to U.A

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A/N: Its time that they all meet! 

Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


It took a lot of effort for Zasha to move her things from her uncle's apartment to U.A student dormitory that was built in only three days time, which they called Heights Alliance. Toshinori and her parents were surprised when she told them about her moving but they didn't questioned it much since Wolfsbane had permitted it and knew that it was for their training. However, even though Toshinori didn't questioned it, he had wondered why foreign students from a sister school would have to share a dorm with U.A students but he just waved the thought and was happy that she'll get to spend time with people at her age. Although it would be a bit lonely without her in the apartment.

Toshinori had helped her moved out and her parents insisted of hiring a one-day interior designer to lay out a good bedroom design for a small room before they took a flight back to Morocco. He thought he was being way over the top, but her parents beat him to it. He also got himself introduced to Zasha's friends who he is already familiar with, the student he saw on the sports festival: Umi Hirano and his personal trainee: Sakura Todoroki. He had a conversion with Sakura regarding his condition and she simply didn't mind since he is still willing to give her special trainings as her mentor.

On the day of her official moving, Zasha wore her complete uniform and left the apartment after reminding her uncle to be extra careful and eat healthily, though she just learned that Toshinori will be moving to the teacher's dorm as well. She joined the others to ride the helicopter one last time. Alpha team will be moving in as well and their lodging were divided depending on the class they were to guard so they wouldn't need much of their transportation.

Zasha, Umi and Sakura bid their goodbyes to the others as they made their way to Class 1-A's classroom. Homeroom is about to start but there were still a some students outside their respective rooms. All eyes are on the three as they walk, unabashed, through the halls of the main building. Their heels clicked through the purple floor and their eyes remains straight ahead.

Those students who were walking towards their direction quickly moved to the side and gave them a second look. Females stood in awe while males simply blush at the overflowing charisma emitting from the three.

"Who are they?"

"They're wearing expensive looking uniforms"

"Do the teachers know?"

"Wow, she's beautiful!"

"A foreigner!"

"Hey, that crest!!"

Zasha's light blue eyes unknowingly landed on a group of males in the corridor. She gave them a polite smile and their faces went red as a tomato. They clung to each other and their eyes followed the three as they walked pass by them.

"Aren't you an apple for the eye?" Sakura teasingly commented as she looked at the blonde, her sakura pink hair sways along her movement.

Smiling, Zasha turned her head to Sakura's direction "Look who's talking" she smirked

"Come on you two" Umi sighed, clasping her gloved hands right in front of her legs "Let's not get anymore attention than this"

"You shouldn't really say that, Umi" Sakura said as her eyes managed to catch a few males staring at the bluenette "out of all three of us, male would find you more attractive with that innocent vibes of yours" Umi blushed, making Zasha laugh. The blonde patted Umi's shoulder as she agreed with Sakura "We're here" she stopped by a huge brown door with a large 1-A printed on it "What a big door"

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