Chapter 38. Friends

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A/N: My left hand could move nicely now but I'm still waiting for the deep wounds to perfectly heal. It takes too much time and I'm getting a little impatient urgh. Well, here's a new update for you, I just need some time to wind up because school works can really be stressful at this online class setting. Stay safe and healthy!

Warning: Some mentions of sexy stuff, just a little bit, and traumas. 


Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


"Today's weather will be sunny. It will be nice to enjoy the sunshine but, in the evening—"

Kaminari and Ojiro were sitting by the common area, right in front of the television, while watching the daily news. Sero's feet had shuffled as he approached the two boys watching the news. Upon seeing his approach, Kaminari grabbed the remote and turned the television off.

"Tokoyami's in Kyushi, so its expected" Sero stated as he finally reached the two boys "but the other work study students are absent too huh?"

"Midoriya's been acting weird lately, hasn't he?" Ojiro added. He got to notice the green haired male this morning, while they were eating breakfast earlier, he was staring at his fish with a serious expression.

Sero crouched down and propped his elbows on the back of the couch, looking at Ojiro "It wasn't just Midoriya. Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsu also looked like they were brooding over something"

"You think they're after something big?" Kaminari asked, leaning forward

Ojiro gave them a small smile, trying to assure his two classmates "Even if they were, they'll be with professionals" the two boys looked at each other, rather convinced that their classmates will be fine.

The boys' head automatically perked up as they heard two pairs of feet running down the stairs. Katsuki was the first one to reach the common area, he was gripping on the bag in his hand and running away from the stairs. Zasha was following him behind, instead of running down the stairs she just jumped through the flight of stair, holding a long cloth in her right hand while her left hand was holding onto her shoulder bag.

"Get the fuck away from me!" Katsuki shouted as he continuously tried to get away from her reach.

"Why are you insisting on not wearing a necktie?!" Zasha grunted, waving the red necktie in her hand "Do you think you look cool?! Hell no, wear your uniform properly—" Katsuki snapped his head towards her direction but kept his feet moving away from her. He showed her his middle finger and shouted back, still refusing to surrender.

Kaminari showed the same expression as the other two. They sweat dropped and watch them bicker about Katsuki's necktie again. They had been arguing about it since yesterday after Zasha had asked why the ash blonde insist on not wearing one when he could clearly wear one, he already did once, during the evening party.

Ignoring the two attempting to eat each other's neck, Sakura exited the elevator like nothing was happening. She spared the three boys a glance after noticing them waiting by the couch "Come on boys, there's no need to enjoy yourselves in here. Its better to be early than late" she said, looking down at her wristwatch. Kaminari chuckled and stood up from the couch, Ojiro following his actions and they finally made their way towards the door, holding their bags.

"Oi! Soy sauce face!" Katsuki called Sero's attention "throw me my shoes!" Sero showed him a smug smirk and immediately left the dormitory, failing to comply Katsuki's request "DAMN YOU!" was the only words he heard after closing the door.

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