Chapter 81. Wolfsbane International High

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


A/N: I thought of like creating some random designs for Wolfsbane school but just went with them having a palace from Russia 'cuz it really screams Wolfsbane and I also wanted to show some sort of patriotism. It's a very beautiful palace, by the way.


Everything looked so chaotic. Vehicles and cemented debris blocked the road, some buildings were burned and destroyed after the attack, and the tyrannosaurus still had a little life left in its body as it tried to move its vast legs and stand up for one last time.

Hysterically laughing, the petite young man tightly gripped his bat. He swiftly swung it and rested it on his shoulder while keeping his mischievous purple eyes focused on the beast in front of him, "Yes, wreak more havoc so I could smash you to death and find your stupid master—"

"That is enough" The first-year students looked up to see an older hero floating in mid-air; his cape had calmly flapped along with the winter's breeze while he kept himself afloat. They were in awe as they watched all the working vehicles drifting to the side of the road while the cars beyond repair were piled up in another direction of the road. Military men in uniform came in, bringing artilleries and larger vehicles. They moved efficiently into a divided group take all the saved civilians and keeping their watch in front of the bleeding beast. "Again, with the dirty work," the hero uttered as he raised his hand. The tyrannosaurus growled when it felt itself levitating from the hard road. "Can't you apprehend this creature without creating so much chaos?"

"that's—that's!" Izuku gasped loudly while he clumsily takes out his notebook and pen from his pocket. "Psychic Hero: MOB! He was listed as the sixth top hero worldwide and second in Russia. He is known for his versatile psychic abilities and his strong feat in psychokinesis!" he sniffed, and his classmates flinched when they noticed tears flowing out from his eyes. He harshly wiped his happy tears with his sleeve and croaked, "I never knew I'd get to see him up close like this! I've lived a good life!"

"It's been a while, Mob!" Frank greeted with a quick salute. The old hero gave him an acknowledging nod as soon as he noticed him. He flicked his hand and threw the creature straight to the make-shift cage that the Military had provided.

Izuku was surprised when Adrian suddenly stole his notebook and pen from his grasp and throwing it in the famed hero's direction. "Adrian!" The greenhead panicked while attempting to reach out for his notebook, fearing it might get flown away by the freezing wind but stopped when he noticed that his belongings were just hovering in the air. He gulped when his eyes briefly caught Mob's aloof eyes. His All Might-themed pen moved on its own to scribble a signature on the single paper before gently flowing back to his arm, which made him beam in joy. "TH-THANK YOU!" Adrian grinned and ruffled Izuku's hair. He promised himself that he would have this piece of paper framed to his room.

"Military instead of the police?" Kodai mumbled as she moved her head around to observe the uniformed personnel scattering around the vicinity to help the civilians.

Yawning, Quervin stood beside Kodai and said, "Government military stuck their nose to the business depending on the grade level of the enemy." He sneezed, quickly covering it with his arm before continuing, "Villains are labeled by how threatening they are to the society. For a pawn creature like that, they are labeled as B grade comparing to a simple thief or robbery, which is an E grade."

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