Chapter 45. A Typical Wolfsbane Training

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Note: Italic: Russian | Bold: English | Normal: Japanese

There are some italic words that aren't Russian, sometimes they are thoughts and written letters, etc.


Staring at Sakura guided by two students from the general course, Zasha couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. When did Sakura get so close to the kid with hypnosis quirk? She almost burned her gaze towards the Shinsou's table, which was a bit far away from theirs, her eyes sharping like a hawk's.

"Katsuki" she called in a whisper, not taking her eyes off as she watch Sakura conversing with the fluffy haired girl with a smile on her face, her left hand was busy tugging the ash blonde's sleeves while her other hand was guiding a slice of orange fruit in her mouth.

Feeling the tug on his coat's sleeve, Katsuki placed his spoon down to look at Zasha's direction and immediately noticing that her attention was looking elsewhere. He let out an annoyed grunt and asked "What?"

"That guy" Zasha pointed out with a fruit in her mouth, her hand were quietly pointed towards Shinsou's direction "Who is he?"

"Why the hell do you care?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he keep his gaze at her direction after taking a brief look from Shinsou's direction

Instead of getting the answer she wants, Katsuki had responded with a question that made her feel a bit annoyed and so she looked back at him, her light blue eyes immediately locking at his red ones "because it's a matter of love matching and death, my ship's not going to sail if he's interfering!" she exaggerated, shaking him by his shoulder "don't you get it?!"

"The fuck?!" Katsuki cursed, immediately slapping her hands away and flicking her forehead "Its not your call who that burning bitch is going to date—" he let out a yelp when Zasha suddenly slapped him by his shoulder "What was that for?!"

"First of all, Sakura's not a bitch!" she hissed between her teeth, glaring at him. She lifted a finger and continued "and second, I didn't ask for your opinion, I just wanted a name!" she just burned him right there.

"You—" an irk mark immediately appeared right at the ash blonde's forehead, he grabbed her face and squished her cheeks, grinning at her satanically "how about I teach you a lesson?" he said between his gritting teeth. Zasha didn't back down and gripped on his wrist to try and pull his hand away from her face while she matched his glare.

Noticing the atmosphere around the two, Kirishima's eyes landed on their direction and sighed. Another episode for the two that almost looked like a normal scenario of the day "Please don't kill each other and finish your food" he slightly scold the two before returning his attention back to Umi "Do you want some meat Hirano-san?" he asked with an instant beaming smile that almost blinded Umi from her seat.

"No thank you, I'm already full" Umi politely declined, waving a hand gently in front of her.

"You two are looking awfully close these days" Sero commented as he finished the yakisoba bread between his hands, watching Umi and Kirishima with both of his eyebrows raised in suspicion.

The two looked at him with the same expression, not quite understanding Sero's question. They looked at each other before Kirishima replied with "Well, we actually started to hang out last week after I invited her to play some games with me" his eyes then went to Kaminari, pointing at Umi with the chopstick in his hand "you won't believe how good she is at video games dude"

"Seriously?" Kaminari asked with curiosity, his yellow eyes are showing great interest "We should hang out sometimes too, Umi-chan" he exclaimed with a teasing grin, winking at the shy girl.

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