The flare (Spoilers to the scorch trials)

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You were sitting at home reading the local newspaper. That was all that was left. The world was a disaster, taken over by this disease called the flare. You didn't understand how this all happened. It just did.

Wicked was this organization that formed. You knew a lot about wicked considering you used to 'work' there. They 'fired' you after you threaten to tell people what they were doing to your friends. They wanted to test you also, saying that you were smart and they needed to collect data to cure this flare disease.

You skimmed the symptoms and noticed that you haven't experienced any of them yet. You became suspicious yet relieved.


Your door and windows came crashing in. You saw glass fly everywhere. Some little pieces even hit your face and scratched/scraped at your now bruised face. Someone had hit you with a dart taking you down. Everything started to become fuzzy and blurry.

"We're from wicked y/n! You have the flare!" Someone shouted at you

You felt like almost 2 hands grasp onto your shoulders and legs. These people were hauling you out of your house. You were put into a van, hearing nothing but mumbling from the people around you.

"Nice to see you again." One of them said to you as they started to drive off.


This one was kinda long so I separated it into two parts! :)


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