love triangle

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Merry NEWTMASS (see what I did there?) in honor of this fine holiday I shall give all of you the gift of a love triangle between newt and Thomas! So enjoy!


You knew sitting alone under a tree would bring someone along to comfort you. You never intended for this to happen but it did, and that someone was Thomas.  When he sat beside you, you both started talking about random things. He tried to make you laugh and smile when ever he got the chance since he thought the reason why you were here alone under a tree must have meant that you were sad.

"Do you feel better now?" He asked concerned

"Yes although I was never sad." You said chuckling a little.

"Then why did you look so sad sitting here alone?" You could tell he was genuinely confused now. You thought about it and then said..

"Well I'm not that type of person who smiles and laughs for no reason while sitting under a tree alone, you know?" Which gained a laugh from him.

"Well I guess your right." He told you while putting his arm around your shoulder. You got comfortable and snuggled up to his side. You were looking up at Thomas when you noticed he was looking towards newt.

"Never thought newt would be the jealous type." He commented

"What do you mean?" You asked while sneaking a look towards newt.

"Well ever since I came and sat next to you, it seems like he just can't take his eyes off us." He explained. When you looked at newt once again you could see the disgusted look on his face. "Here watch this.." Thomas looked at newt to make sure he was watching and placed a hand under your chin. Before you could comprehend what was about to happen, he placed a sweet kiss on your lips. Although you really liked it, newt didn't seem to happy about it.

He dropped what he was doing and began to walk towards you and Thomas. When he finally made it he gave Thomas the nastiest look you have ever seen. "So I see you and Thomas are having a good time." He said keeping his eyes on Thomas the whole time. You stood up from your comfortable position and went up to newt. "Yeah, we were." You told him while placing your hand on his forearm. He was tense, yes, But he eased up the second you touched him.

You noticed Thomas stand up as well.
"I suppose it's only fair if I get a turn." Newt urged crossing his arms together.
"I don't see why not." Thomas tried to act like he didn't care but you could tell that he cringed at the fact that him and newt were now completing for your heart. You could also tell that newt noticed to because he smirked at the thought.

"Alright then, y/n let's go on adventure shall we?" He asked you holding out his hand. "Without Thomas." He added under his breath.

You laughed a little at the fact that these two boys were so jealous of each other. You thought it was quite adorable.

"We shall!" You exclaimed taking newts hand. He started leading you both away , leaving Thomas behind.

"And Thomas try not to get to jealous." Newt yelled. And trust me if looks could kill, newt would be dead by now because Thomas was giving him a look of pure hatred. "Yeah? I'll try not to! Although It will be kind of hard to because she my girl!" Thomas yelled back while you blushed at his words.

"We will see about that!" Newt said leading you on an adventure you would never forget.

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