What the other gladers think of your relationship

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Gally: I know y/n can do way better than that. I don't know I just never liked thomas, she should just forget about him and be mine already!

Newt: Their good together, she keeps him in line and we do better when we have order around here. Some times I see those two workin really hard but the next their just messin around.

Minho: I see those two shuck faces kissing every single second of the day. When I need something from Thomas -oh-wait-no their kissing! or when we come back from the maze -oh-no their still kissing! Y/n is right for him though and they make a cute couple.

Alby: y/n has Thomas working quite a lot now. She keeps him grounded and they make a strong couple. Just wish they would stop kissing all the time!


Gally- they make one sassy couple! If you get them both mad about something you won't hear the end of it until y/n wins.

Newt: y/n and Minho are runners together and one time Thomas said that when he wanted them to split up Minho wouldn't leave unless he was running with her to make sure she was safe. They look out for each other and that's what's important.

Thomas: Minho will not leave y/n side. Even when we are in the maze. Their funny though whenever they argue about something stupid because y/n will not stop until she has her way and minhos the same! Makes me laugh every time.

Alby: They contribute to the glade often and that's something we need. Y/n and Minho are one funny couple and they keep each other safe.


Thomas- Dont get me started! They are one hell of a cute couple. She makes sure newt is okay and he does the same. You can tell they both care about each other a lot because newt is always asking about her whenever she's not with him to make sure she's alright.

Minho: okay, I have to admit they are perfect for each other. I don't know what newt would have done if he didn't meet y/n in the first place. He's always smiling now and he seems way more happier with her.

Gally: If I say anything bad newt might put me in the pit so.. Ever since y/n came into the glade I now always see him happy. They love each other very much and you can see that in the way he looks at her. Seriously they should stay together.

Alby: they both seem happy together and y/n keeps him happy and full of life considering we're stuck in the middle of a maze. Newt and y/n help everyone out during the day and they are a big help!

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