Request #6

249 4 4

Song imagine- Kiss me slowly by parachute

(Listen to song while reading)

Thanks so much for requesting, I hope you like it!!! Fangirl_Crazed_  :)

Warnings- none


Walk with me, come and walk with me

There he was, standing in between a pathway of what looked like twigs on either side of him, lit up by fire. It looked really nice. Seeing him with his hand stuck out ready for you to join, signaled you to go closer. When you approached him, he asked "would you care to join me on a walk?" And smiled. "Why of course!" You happily replied taking his hand. Newt tried his best to dress nicely. He lead you down the walk way of the beautiful lights around the glade.

No I could not want you more, then I did right then

You both were enjoying each others company. Him laughing at your jokes and vice versa. You were both slowly connecting more and more throughout the night. He had intertwined his hand with yours while you both had already walked half way around. You caught yourself staring at him while he faced forward. As He felt your stare he laughed to himself. "Is there something on my face..?" He questioned chuckling. You laughed a little and explained to him that you were just having a great time. The best you have had in a long time actually, considering your all in the glade still. "Well I'm glad! It took me awhile to light up all of these." He joked while gesturing towards the light up twigs around you. "And it took me A LOT to convince Gally to help too." He added, only gaining a laugh from you. You really liked newt and you appreciated every bit of him. You just wished you could of realized that wayy sooner.

She stood by as it fell apart

You never knew how newt felt about you. You only hoped it was the same feelings you had for him, if not that then stronger. To him you were his way out of the darkness, you were his light. That's probably why he associated lights with this date. To remind him of how you were always there for him when he was falling apart. He knew he could always count on you to be right by his side if he ever needed you. He loved you for that.

Taste your lips and feel your skin

When it came to the end of your walk he stopped you and gave you a little rose. "I found it when I was helping zart. I thought you might like it." You held it up to your nose and smelled it, it reminded you of beauty, and purity. "I love it" you commented as newt stepped closer to you. "Good, I'm pleased to hear that." He told you as he rested one of his palms under your chin and the other around your waist. He looked into your eyes almost searching for something. "I have always wanted to do this, I just never knew when the right moment was going to show up." You placed one of your hands around his neck. "Well it looks like it just did." You replied.

Just kiss me slowly

Newt gently came forward and closed the gaped that was between the both of you. As his lips brushed against yours he commented "I hope you love me the same way I love you." You we're taken aback but replied "I was wondering the same thing about you." He smiled, and pressed his lips to yours. Finally after all that waiting you both got something you had been waiting for,

each other.

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