getting hit by another glader(newt)

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As you were walking around the deadheads you felt like someone was following you and you weren't sure who it might be.

Scared, you started to find a way out of this shucking forest so you could go with newt, as you were supposed to meet him by the fire the gladers were going to put on. It was getting darker too and you finally could see the flames of the fire from a distance.

The way out.

You were relived and took a step towards the exit/entrance until someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. You were pinned against a tree and you could see the strangers face now.

"Gally what are you doing?!" You ask "what do you think? I've been waiting to get you alone so I could tell you how I feel" he started to leave sloppy kisses down your neck and you tried to push him away but couldn't, he was just to strong.

His grip tighten around your wrist "stop struggling y/n. listen I like you." He kissed your cheek."and I want to get to know you better" he kissed your other cheek. "I'm dating newt and you know that" you said annoyed "NEWT. NEWT!!" You tired to call after your boyfriend but Gally put a hand over your mouth

"newt doesn't have to know. Now shut it!" He said. you quickly bit his hand and he removed it from your face "ow!!" He looked at the bite mark then back at your face. He brought his hand up and smacked you. You fell over and held your own hand to where he Hit you. already you could feel the burning and heat on your cheek.

"Y/n!! Y/n are you in here? we were supposed to meet by the fire. Where'd you go?!" You could here newt close by calling after you "NEWT IM OVER HERE" you yelled while looking at Gally he had a worried yet pleasant look on his face and all you wanted to do was slap it off of him. You heard newts footsteps and got up.

Newt ran over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist giving you the biggest hug ever

"Are you okay? Whats going on? why is your cheek red? Gally?" He looked over at Gally.

"Oh you know y/n over here tried to get me to kiss her and I told her no so she hit me in the stomach and I had to do what I had to do." He looked guilty as he looked away from us.

"Is that true? We're you cheating on me?" Newt ask a bit surprised as I was.

"What no! Are you serious? Gally over here tried to kiss ME and he slapped me all because I bit his hand so he would let go of me." You told your now infuriated boyfriend. He looked at Gally and went up to him and he punch him. Gally went straight into a tree and looked back at newt. I could see blood dripping from his nose.

" don't you ever do that to y/n again. Do you here me? Don't even come close to her" newt said while turning towards you and grabbed your hand. You guys started walking back to where the other gladers were at. "Don't worry that won't happen again. I promise. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner I wish I did love. Are you okay?" Newt asked concerned. You gripped his chin and brought his face closer to yours as you planted your lips to his.

You let go of his chin and wrapped your arms around his neck as he did so to your waist. " I'm okay newt don't worry. Thanks for rescuing me" you said smiling.

"Your bloody welcome" he laughed.

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