request #4

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I love this idea it was so cute to write!! Thank you @reneesanancoo

Warnings- none
The stars were always beautiful at night. I liked to lay in the grass while looking up at them, thinking about everything. Seeing the bright dots cover the night sky was always so peaceful.

Disrupting my thoughts, I saw newt approaching. His smile was stretched across his face something I always liked.

Newt was a good friend of mine. He was the first one to talk to me when I arrived making sure I was okay here. A lot of the other gladers made fun of us saying that newt always acted different towards me and vice versa. But we both just shrugged it off.

"Hey Rennysa. Do you mind if I join?" Newt greeted as he waited for my answer.

"Go ahead I'm sure there's enough room." I joked to which he laughed, causing me to smile. Everything about him made me smile. He settled down near me and both of us laid in comfortable silence.

I never really knew if newt liked me back. Although I have noticed he does act different when he's around me I always thought he was just being friendly. I turned my head and saw newt looking up at the stars with his hands behind his head.

He looked peaceful, just watching him watch the sky made my heart flutter. I could tell he could feel me looking at him because he turned to his side and leaned on his elbow.

We met eyes and he opened his mouth to say something but didn't say anything at that moment. After a couple of seconds he finally spoke,
"Do you do this everyday?"

I smiled as he took my hand in his. Maybe he does like me?
"Whenever I can." I told him as he played with my hand.
"Well maybe I could join you whenever you do. Its nice out here, gets your mind off of everything going on around this bloody place."

"Yeah it is nice out here and I actually have been looking for a star gazing buddy." I commented. He chuckled and I couldnt help but lean in his chest while doing the same. "Well their you have it, your new star gazing buddy." He said and gestured to himself as I lifted up my head.

"Can I tell you something? Its actually really personal" he paused to looked at me and continued when I nodded my head 'yes'. "Well, I... Really.."
He paued again. I looked into his eyes and moved closer to him "you really what?" I pushed.

He looked at me unsure if he should say it. He took a breath "love you. Rennysa, I really love you." He looked down at our hands and quickly kissed my lips.
I broke the kiss to tell him I felt the same.

He smiled and kissed me once more and again I felt my heart flutter.

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