Give love a try (part 2)

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F/c/n= favourite characters name(gally,newt,thomas,minho)


Of course you avoided him for a couple of days. He was expecting you to. Every single little second that passed of each day made the heartache in his chest more unbearable. He couldn't take it anymore. So he took it upon himself to confront you.

He inched his way towards you while you were 'working', when in reality you were trying to do everything and anything to keep away from him. He didn't want to scare you away. All he needed was a few minutes to explain himself. 

As he made his way little by little to you, he would occasionally stop and talk to a few people to make it seem less obvious. You know you just have to do it. Go up to her and tell her how you feel, you'll be fine. He kept telling himself.

You noticed what he was trying to do after a few minutes. It seemed like everywhere you went, he went too. Does he really think this is working? You questioned your self. You didn't want to hear what he had to say, simply because you knew what he was going to say. Something in the lines of- hey y/n I came to apologise. I'm sorry about what I said a few days back. And I  really hope we can become friends again? You were almost positive that's how it would go. Almost.

He finally approached you but you made it very clear that you didn't want to deal with him right now by walking away. He immediately got in front of you and placed his hands up in the air between you both. Almost surrendering?

"Look I just need to talk to you. Please just give me a few minutes." He pleaded.

He looked very weary and tried. In the moment he tried to give you his best 'puppy dog face' but the sadness took over. He sighed and continued.

"Look I just came to apologise. Im really, really sorry for all the things that I said a few days back."

Here we go. You thought as he continued.

"And well the truth is.. Y/n your the most amazing person I have met in this terrible place. You made me happier than ever and I was stupid for telling you that I didn't think you and me would work out when I really wanted to tell you that I needed you and I didn't want to lose you, especially when were stuck in here. I think I love you y/n and I'm sorry that I didn't say that sooner. I hope you can forgive me?" He trailed.


Was all you could think. You were not expecting that at all.  At the most you expected a 'will you be my friend again' type thing. You thought about it over and over again in your head as you left him standing there waiting for an answer. Your feelings for him never faded and you did think that it was time to stop trying to avoid him after all.

"Yes, yes I can forgive you f/c/n" you happily replied.

He immediately became more energised, almost as if he was now running on happiness as well.  He opened his arms up wide and gestured for you to fill in the empty space. When you did you realised how much you really truly missed his hugs. When he pulled out of the hug he told you something you also weren't expecting. But made you even more happier than can be.

"If it's okay with you, I would like to give love a try now?" He said.


Hey guys! I don't know what these are called or if their called anything hah but I'm going to try and start making situations that will fit all the wonderful people in this book! So Just choose your favourite guy (Thomas,Minho,
Gally, or Newt)  and that's who the guy would be in these situations. I hope you enjoy them :)

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