Photograph (thomas)

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Loving can hurt loving can hurt sometimes

'Thomas' you would say. 'I don't know if I can do this anymore,' he would look up at you, tears welling up in his eyes. 'I can't lose you, not after all we have been through y/n.' Thomas would drop his head in his hands, gripping on his hair you heard whimpers. You would put your hand under his chin and lift up his head so your eyes met. He was full of hurt, but so were you. You couldn't just let him go. He was a part of you.

We keep this love in a photograph

(Picture above)

This was a moment in time that lasted for about a minute, but will touch both of your guys hearts forever. You both never forgot that day and decided it was only right to put this picture in a frame. The love you both have for each other is incripted in this photo.Thomas loves thses types of hugs and you feel safer each time he gives you one.

You won't ever be alone

Thomas hated leaving you at times. He would promise you he would be here for you forever, and He would protect you from any danger. Even in the maze he made sure you were okay and safe, the love never went away. Although you both couldn't remember anything he was still there, he never left,
Just like he promised.

Loving can heal.

'Thomas' you would say. 'I love you and no matter what happens that will never change, you know that don't you?' You would mange to say after seeing a tear stream down his face. He would stand up and give you one of his famous hugs, the ones that always made you feel safe, his favorite. 'Of course' he whispered. 'I love you too.' You both would stand there for a few moments, taking it all in. Nothing could change the way you two felt about each other, simply because you needed him and he needed you.

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