Kill or be killed

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Third person

F/c/n = favorite characters name
(Thomas, Newt,Minho, Gally)

Y/n = your name

Takes place in the scorch


Y/n and f/c/n faced it all; Grievers, cranks, and humankind themselves.

They both knew no one could be trusted. Y/n was as tough as it got and everyone knew it. F/c/n was not only her lover but very protective and never quit no matter what.

They always told eachother, "Its either kill or be killed," and ever since then those words guided them, transformed them even.

WICKED was their problem. Their brains were WICKED'S very own little puppets. The only memory they let Y/n keep was about her parents.

It was the day WICKED barged in and stole everything from her. They shot her parents who were trying to fight against them, right in front of her innocent eyes.

It was WICKED'S twisted way of getting inside her head every night. She would have nightmares about that day resulting in f/c/n trying to sooth her back to sleep.

- - -

"Grab the girl!" Soldiers shouted out to one another and fired smoke bombs and bullets towards F/c/n.

Y/n. All he could think about was y/n.

He was trying to run as fast as he could to get away from all the chaos and smoke bombs that blinded him, that he didn't realize y/n was already being dragged by WICKED soldiers.

Y/n was knocked out cold because she kept fighting back and WICKED couldn't risk it. They needed her.

F/c/n was in shock but he knew he needed to get y/n out of there safe.

Its either kill or be killed. F/c/n thought.

F/c/n started to kill the remaining troops that were headed towards him before he noticed y/n was gone. The soldiers flew off in their helicopter leaving him behind.

- - -

"We did good. We can use her to lure him in. Maybe then he will follow our instructions and carry out our plan." One of the soldiers said.

"And if he doesn't agree with the plan?" His partner asked.

"Then we kill her and the boy. Simple." His partner laughed in response as they flew back to base.

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F/c/n was coming to get y/n no matter what happened. Once again he wasn't a quitter and there's no way he would let WICKED hurt the one person he loved.

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