The last letter (newt)

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'The last letter' is basically about how the boys had a chance to write a letter to whoever they wanted to (you) before they got their memory erased and put into the maze


Dear y/n:

When I woke up I noticed I wasn't beside you anymore but instead I was tied to a bed surrounded by these people. Their vest had the name wicked on them and they let me go saying that I could write a letter but only one and I had to write it to you.

They told me wicked is good but hell, how could it be when wicked was the one who tore me away from you?

I just.. I just wanted to tell you that I love you and someday I will kiss your lips again beautiful.

Don't worry I'll find a way to see you again, whatever it takes.

I promise.

Goodbye love, see you soon.

-Newt x

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