The last letter (thomas)

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'The last letter' is basically about how the boys had a chance to write a letter to whoever they wanted to (you) before they got their memory erased and put into the maze


Babe. Y/n. I love you, never forget that, wicked brought me here for a reason and I promise we will see each other again.

I don't even know what the hell's going on there people all over this place or facility and all I know is that this is all for a good reason. Hopefully.

Wicked, these people, can't keep me from you forever. You'll see me again,okay?

They said this will be the only letter ill get to write so You won't hear from me for awhile but just please don't think any of this is my fault. I miss you and someday we'll be together again.

-Thomas, don't lose hope.

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