Your skills

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Newt- your good with knifes. Gally along with the rest of the builders built you target boards out of wood in the deadheads. You go there sometimes to relax and practice your aiming. sometimes newt joins you and try's to teach you to aim more 'better' but you both know he doesn't know what he's doing and uses it as an excuse to get close to you.

Minho- you can fight really well. Minho was bragging about how he was the first to finally beat Gally at his favorite little game of fighting. At first you were very excited for him and cheered him on but now it was beginning to get annoying so you challenged him. He went easy at first until you told him it wasn't fair. He laughed in your face to later find out that he was wrong.
You beat him.

Thomas- you can run really fast. Coincidence or not you love to run. You feel free which is why your a runner along with Thomas your boyfriend. Sometimes you two have mini races while in the glade and you normally win even though Thomas is the one who cheats and runs ahead when alby says "ready" instead of "go". But cheaters never win is what you always tell him when he pouts in front of you.

Gally- your good at climbing. As odd as it seems your not afraid of anything. You fight for what you want and Gally loves that about you. Your talent guides you up the tallest trees in the glade and you just relax up there until Gally ask you for something or actually tries and attempts to climb the tree himself just to spend time with you. In the end he gets embarrassed from failing so much that you come down so he can have a little sense of dignity and pride left within him.

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