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Once again this contains spoilers to the scorch trials if you haven't seen it yet.

Here is #3 out of the situation series.

F/c/n = favorite characters name
(Minho, Thomas, Newt, Gally)

B/g/f = best guy friend
(Anyone you choose)

Never in your life would you have thought something like this could ever happen.


Although you never thought none of you guys could make it out of the maze, what has happened to you so far would have never crossed your mind.

You were lost.

You were looking through the sandy desert trying to find any signs of your friends, especially him. You guys just escaped your "allies" compound. You never would have thought that they were subsiding with wicked. How could they?

You have been walking for days as it seemed. It was daylight and you needed water badly. You got separated from your friends after you guys were rummaging through this old building and were chased out by these creatures. You didn't know what they were.

You were running the other direction to get away from those things until you heard your name being called by your boyfriend. "Y/N!!!" He shouted sounding desperate and worried. He tried to make his way for you but there was just too many of them, both of you had to go.

"I'll meet you guys outside!" You yelled back but you never found them.

While walking you stopped in your tracks when you heard a gun shot. It was rather close to where you were. You ran closer to the sight and hoped it was your friends although hearing a gun shot could not be good.

When you approached you saw Winston laying on the ground lifeless. What happened!? You thought while tears brimmed your eyes. You wanted to cry and scream, you wanted to do something just to let out all the frustration and sadness you had.

When you got up from your kneeled position next to Winston, you whispered a "I'm so sorry this had to happen" to your friend. You couldn't imagine how the others might feel.

You started to make your way from him when you saw f/c/n! You tried to yelled his name but your throat was to dry for it. You ran and ran until you approached the sandy hill. Every one was there but you of course wished Winston still was. They were walking all sluggish and you could tell they were sad from the previous situation.

You ran some more until you were close enough to leap on f/c/n back. This caused you both to fall but he didn't mind and neither did you. He started to laugh and hug you to death. He kissed you all over your face until everyone started smiling and laughing as well.

"Where have you been!?" He asked you. You couldn't speak you needed some water so you just pointed to your throat to which he handed you his bottle. You drank and enjoyed the refreshing drink. When you cleared your throat you began talking about your lost adventure.

"Well as much as I hate to admit, I actually missed you."
B/g/f  commented making you laugh.

"Yeah well not as much as me!" F/c/n said giving you another big hug. He helped you up off the ground and gave you one last kiss.

"Please don't ever leave me again." He pleaded looking into your eyes.

"I won't" you reassured.

As you all walked forward they started telling you about their long adventure as well, and so far it hasn't been good.

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