The weight (you guys break up)

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This is a song preference-
the weight by Shawn Mendes. I had trouble getting the audio version of this song so I just put the karaoke version up. If you like the way it sounds, look it up its a good song :)

Thomas- and you tell me that you needed time but you pushed me away

You were standing right in front of Thomas. Heartbroken. Again.
"I don't know I just need time that's all" Thomas tried to explain "what do you mean? It's been days maybe even weeks." You said back
"well I need more time" he said trying not to make eye contact
"that's what you said last time." You stated as you looked straight at him.
He said nothing.
He started to shift in his spot while scratching the back of his neck.
And that was it you stormed out of the map room.
The first time you guys had this conversation he said he needed time and that you guys should take a break. Weeks later you came back to that same excuse. You started to wonder why he was doing this. Why he was pushing you away after all you guys been through.

Newt- your inside my head in the middle of the night when I don't feel right I dream I can hold you.

This was your first night without newt. Sleeping in the hammock alone, feeling empty inside, didn't know what to do. You just lied there looking up at the wooden top. You thought about what happened between you and newt.
"It's all your fault. Your always getting in the way" he yelled "well then maybe I should go, maybe you were right this would have never worked out anyway" you yelled back tears welling up in your eyes. "You should go. Just leave me alone" he snapped
so you did, you left him alone. And now here you are regretting every single word that came out of your mouth. You thought about him, about how he made you laugh when he made funny faces and how he hugged you and kissed you, and held you when you guys were sleeping, and all the 'I love yous', you missed it all. All you wanted was to feel his arms around you again.

Minho- and when you try to take me back, say someday you will change but I don't want to wait.

"Y/n could we talk?" He asked.
Minho hurt you, he told you he needed to figure things out, things being your relationship. You didn't want anything to do with him, unless he changed. Which he said he would but you didn't see any difference.
He's still being all closely-close with Teresa, he's still coming up to you begging for more time to show you he did change, he's still the same.
"Are you here to ask for more time?" You snapped now growing tired of the repetitive words. "Well yea actually" he honestly said coming closer to you.
"No, don't Minho. It's been at least 3 weeks and you still haven't changed."
You told him. He took a few steps back now. "I want you back y/n" you were surprised at the sudden words. But you knew him and Teresa, how could he say he wanted you back when Teresa was the reason why you two broke up? "Just go." You bit back the last words that were spilling out of your mouth. "Y/n I-" he tired to say but those last few words spilled out
"I'm tired of waiting."

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