Turning (Newt)

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Some spoilers from The Death Cure

Warning: this one is somewhat long


You were laying in your hammock sleeping soundly.

Newt had just finished talking to Thomas and the others about the plan to rescue Minho from WICKED's facility. Many others didn't agree with Thomas and the sudden urge to go and rescue Minho without planning more in depth. You however agreed and wanted Minho back as soon as possible. Newt pulled you aside and told you to go ahead and get some rest.

"If anything comes up I'll let you know." He guestered over to the hammock and you quickly dozed off.


After finding out that Thomas was going to save Minho alone Newt took it upon himself to inform fry and once he woke you up to tell you to come along. He looked at you and gotten into the hammock. Brushing your hair out of your face he admired your beauty. He rubbed his fingers along your arm soothingly.

Something caught his eye on your arm. He lifted it and turned it facing up so your forearm was visible. There he saw black veins gathering and traveling up towards your neck. He immediately became concerned.

She's not immune, He thought.

He wanted to wake you up and ask why you didn't tell him before. He just didn't understand, but he left you alone. He decided not to mention it, only when you mention it first would he bombard you with questions.

So he tried his best to fall asleep.


You woke up to Newt and fry. Both gathering supplies and telling you to gather what you think you'll need as well.

"What are we doing?" You asked confusingly as you gathered a gun and food.

"We're gonna go save Minho from WICKED, Thomas is going to." Fry explained.

You looked at Newt for a moment, he was turned away gathering his things. He was quiet.

We all went into the car and headed out.


Sometimes when Newt is quiet he's either thinking, tired, or worried. It didn't cross you as Newt being worried for the moment. If anything he was tried or thinking about the task ahead of us.

You were sitting next to him and placed your hand in his. He took his hand away and itched his nose but didn't grab your hand back.

Maybe he doesn't feel like holding hands because he tired or thinking... Yeah that's what it is. You reassured yourself. You let it go for the time being.


Time passed we met a few cranks but managed to get by. As we reached the city there was a lot of people outside the walls WICKED had built to keep cranks out.

We ended up meeting with Gally. Out of everybody else, it had to be Gally. Gally was never really fond of you in the glade. You both hated each others guts but he seemed like he had changed since then. It baffled all of you since Gally was supposed to be dead. You had no words.

Gally managed to be very handy. He knew how to get inside and out of the city. As night began to fall we all found a place to crash in the new area. Newt wanted to be alone so he took a walk around the place.

Before falling asleep you began feeling aggravated, you weren't sure why Newt was acting the way he has been. He's been pushing you away and almost completely ignoring you. It was starting to get annoying. You got up from your spot and started walking around to confront him.

Gally noticed you frantically walking around everywhere.

"What's the matter?" He asked you but you weren't in the mood. You shoved passed him pushing him to the side to find Newt.

"Hey! No need to get physical. What are you looking for?" Gally persisted. You could feel the anger bubbling up inside you. The agitation growing and growing.

"So are you gonna say something or are you gonna just stand there?" Gally asked giving you an impatient look. You turned around to face him and lunged forward but he grabbed you by your arms and held you tightly as you struggled to get out of his grip. You hated this kid.

Newt quickly found you and Gally. He didn't know what to make of the situation. You were clearly not in your right mind.

"Ooohhh finally the one I've been looking for! You done pretending I don't exist?" You asked Newt.
Gally let you go and you made your way slowly towards him.

"What are you talking about? You need to sit down." Newt said referring to the loss of balance you were experiencing.

"What? No, no! You've been acting so distant lately, like you want anything to do with me! Do you know how much that hurts to be pushed away by the one person you care about?!" You stated continuing your approach towards him. Newt backed up as far as he could.

"You need to calm down, alright. Your not thinking straight!" He tried to reason. He was now pressed up against the wall with you feet away.

"I'm sick and tired of you treating me like I'm nobody, like I don't mean anything to you! I never did anything to make you like this towards me!! I've had enough of it!" You screamed lunging at him. He defended himself by holding your wrists as Gally quickly went in to help. Gally took hold of your waist while you gripped onto Newts shirt. As you tugged on the shirt frantically not wanting to let go of Newt you tore a big gapping hole in it.

Finally Gally pulled you away. You realized what just happened. You stopped moving around in Gally's arms, and he put you down. You stood there for a while when Newt spoke up,

"Y/n are you okay?"

You looked at his half torn shirt and began to immediately regret everything. You scared yourself.

"I'm sorry, I ..." You managed to get out before you decided to leave. Newt called after you but you wouldn't listen. You walked till you were sure Newt wasn't close enough anymore. You needed time alone.

You knew what was happening.
The agitation, aggression, stumbling.... You should have told Newt about it awhile ago, you were just scared. The Flare was swallowing you whole.

You were turning.

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