Getting hit by another glader(minho)

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"Hey y/n could you come with me" Winston asked you

You were helping Thomas and Minho in the map room. Minho looked between you and Winston and looked back at the map he was examining "I'll be right back" you told him as you walked out and followed Winston.

Winston lead you outside the map room and stopped in his tracks
"So where are we going" you asked
"Here" he gestured to the back of the map room. You gave him a confused look. "Okay? Do you need something or are we just going to stand here?" You asked he came up to you and all of a sudden you felt a fist connect to your jaw. "What the hell Winston?!" You yelled while holding your jaw. "It's what you get. Clint told me what you did to him" he told you and again you were taken aback. "What are you talking about?!" You heard movement coming from inside the map room.
"DON'T ACT STUPID" he yelled and took a deep breath "he told me about your whole plan to get him banished into the maze. He said he heard you talking to your precious little boyfriend about it to"

"Hey what about me shuckface" Minho came out along with Thomas
"It's none of your business Minho, why don't you go and get lost in the maze" Winston said as Minho chuckled at his remark "is he serious?y/n why were you and him yelling" Minho asked

"He just punched me in the jaw for-"
Minho cut you off
"You did what?!" He went up to Winston and pushed him up against a tree. He took a hold of his shirt
"I'm going to give you to the count of three, say sorry to my beautiful girlfriend, now"

"One" and before Winston could say anything he punched him straight in the mouth. Thomas went to go pull Minho off of Winston and as Winston got the chance he ran off.

"Well, that went well. Next time he does anything you come and get me babe. Okay?" Minho said placing his hand where Winston hit you. "Defiantly" you said
He lightly kissed you in that spot and took you inside the map room.

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