Bad choices (newt)

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"And that's why I don't want you to go into the maze." Newt just got finished telling you all the reasons why he didn't want you to set foot into the maze.

But you were a curious girl looking for adventure and newt didn't understand that. All you wanted was to go explore the maze for at least a few hours until it was time for the doors to close but of course he just had to say no. You knew all he was trying to do was protect you and you had to admit his reasons were reasonable-

And I quote-

2)If something went wrong no one would know
3)I can't lose you if something were to go wrong
5)you don't know what specific time the doors close
6)I've had problems in the maze while I was a runner and I don't want you to face any of them

And that was about it

Although I told him I would be careful and wouldn't make stupid decisions he still didn't believe me

"I've made up my mind" he took my hands in his "and your not going into the maze" he gave me a stern look before leaving to go help zart. He left me standing by the front of the entrance of the maze.


I shouldn't do it.
You thought
I should just turn around and see if frypan or newt and zart wanted some extra help.

But you did it and you made sure no one was watching as you made your way into the maze.

You were running along the huge stone walls wondering where Minho and Thomas would be in here. You were smiling and enjoying every step you took. You took in every single detail making sure you wouldn't miss anything.

The vines.
The holes along the walls.
The griev-

Griever?! You couldn't believe your eyes so you blinked and rubbed at them to find it had disappeared.

You shrugged it off thinking that you were just seeing things. And you continued to run as fast as your legs would carry you and as soon as you knew it the doors were closing, you could feel the vibrations in your feet.

You ran and ran and ran until your feet gave up on you and you fell over face first. When you got back up you saw something moving around the corner from where you were.

You had to get some where safe because you couldn't feel the vibrations anymore which means the doors closed and you were stuck in here.


But you did it anyways you went into the maze and now look what you got yourself into

You should have listened to newt he knew way more about this place than you did.

You ran some more until you found a little cubby like hole between two walls. You went up to it and noticed it would be enough room for at least you to hide in until the morning. So you got in it and finally started to feel the pain in your legs.



Griever shrieks.



You felt your eyes getting weary so you closed them.



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