The flare (part 2)

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You woke up and noticed sand all around you. As you pushed yourself up from your hands you looked around to see buildings. Tall, abandon, burned out buildings. As you looked out you started to see people coming up towards where you were.

You having an advantage went back on your stomach behind a pile of sand. You started to check for weapons and strangely wicked was grateful enough to give you six daggers in a pouch around your waist. You also found a can which was empty,


They approached your spot and you could see the first persons shadow. Tripping him and putting one of your daggers on his neck you heard
"what the shuck!? Let me go!"

"No not until you tell me where I am, what did wicked do to me?" You demanded

You heard mumbling and statements like:
'Let him go'
'Calm down'
'Come with us'
'Don't hurt him'

"How are we supposed to know? Wicked did this to us to." The boy you had trapped gestured towards his friends. You started to recognize Thomas then newt and frypan and Aries and a couple of other unfamiliar faces. you quickly released him when you realize who it was.


As soon as you let go he escaped your presence and you stood up putting your dagger away.

"Sorry I didn't realize it was you guys"
You said ashamed

"Wait you know who we are?" Thomas asked confused

"Yea, don't you guys remember?" You said a little sad. Maybe this was one of wickeds little games. Maybe this is another trial for them? You thought.

"Are we supposed to?" Newt asked you concerned. He started to rub his chin with two fingers while looking at the sand as if in a trans. You could tell he was Trying to think, trying to remember.

"Well it's okay I guess.."

Displeased newt asked everyone to huddle up. You could hear Minho say obnoxious things about you. But then You could hear Thomas and frypan agree that they should take you with them. You also heard them say that since you knew who wicked was they could use you to get to the safe haven.

Whatever that was.

"Okay! Okay!" Minho said to shut them up, which worked. they all looked at you and you could feel every single eye looking too, causing you to shift your body from side to side.

"Your coming" Minho stated as if he never wanted this to happen. You could automatically feel the distrust he had for you, so you knew you two would have problems along the way.

"Good, I never wanted to go there alone anyways"
wherever there was you thought.

You all started to walk off in one group. Towards the buildings.

Who knows what might be there.

The Maze RunnerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon