Getting hit by another glader (thomas)

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You and Ben have been talking about your relationship with Thomas.

You were laughing at a memory of you and Two and ben was looking at you like you were crazy so you had to tell him "Yeah and I remember this one time-"

"That's great, hey do you want to go over to the lookout?" He asked cutting you off. Ignoring the rudeness you agreed.

You two were looking out over the glade and towards the maze.

"Have you guys found anything yet?" You asked gesturing towards the maze. "Uh no not exactly" he said nervously

"Okay" you chuckled while nudging his shoulder. He shuffled closer to you and You started feeling uncomfortable so you shuffled away. This started to be a shuffling war because every time you shuffled away he would shuffle closer.

"Y/n could you stop doing that" Ben said sternly he gripped your wrist tightly and pulled you towards his body.

"Let me go Ben" you said struggling. He smiled at you and you could feel his nails digging into your skin.

It hurt.

You kicked him and slapped him, you did anything you could to get away from him but he didn't budge. He pushed you to the ground of the lookout and you turned on your stomach to see Thomas crossing the middle of the glade.

"Thomas!!" You yelled and he looked up to find you and Ben in the lookout together.

"Y/n are you okay?!" Thomas yelled back now climbing up the steps towards you two.

As he made his way up he saw what Ben had done to you and immediately pushed him against the wood. He started punching him and he wouldn't stop. You gained your strength and pried Thomas off the worn out boy. You saw the damage your boyfriend left on Ben and it wasn't good.

You two left him there and climbed down the steps and Thomas pulled you into a kiss

"I'll protect you babe" he said as he hugged you.

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