Request #2 Part 2

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For @tris_eaton_six

Warnings- overprotective brother newt, fights with boyfriend Thomas.

The next day me, Thomas, and Minho did our normal routine of running around in the maze. Mapping it out and making sure we don't run into Grievers on our way. Thomas tends to stay with me on our run. He gets one side and I get the other. If we ever decide to split up he always makes sure we're close so he knows that I'm okay.


I can start feeling my feet ache as the suns heat sticks to my skin. I look to my side to find a tired thomas. He looks at me and gives me a smile. We stop to get hydrated and take a break.
"You alright babe?" He asks between breaths. I gave him a nod and took a sip of my water. Thomas came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "We're almost to the entrance of the glade and I'm sure Minho is to" he told me while placing little kisses all over my face.

I squinted my face and heard him chuckle. "Well let's get going then." I said as I patted his chest.

Together we kept our pace and soon enough there was the doors and Minho too. "Shucking Grievers. I almost ran into one." Minho said panting. "Well it's a good thing you didn't otherwise you would've been their dinner." Thomas commented "you don't think I know that shuck-face"

We all came walking out into the glade. Me and Thomas hand in hand and Minho making faces at us. Newt came walking up and greeted me with a hug. "Glad to see you guys are okay!" He said. As he let me go Thomas took me in his arms and kissed me. I didn't know what he thought he was doing since he told me what newt had told him last night.

"Hey what did I say!" I heard newt call and it seemed like one second later thomas was on the ground taking hits from newt straight to the face. His lip was busted and he was beginning to have a bruised and swollen face. I couldn't watch any longer so I walked over to them both and tried to push newt off of him.

"Terra stop!" He yelled at me. Newt was furious and so was I. "What the hell newt it's just a kiss! Quit overreacting " I yelled back. "Overreacting? Really? I warned him. I told him and what does he decide to do?!" Thomas was beginning to stand up now as newt continues to yell at me.

"He does this. So this is what he deserves" newt said and when he was about to turn around and finish Thomas up he got punched straight in the nose and stumbled over. Now he was the one bleeding, but Thomas looked worse.

Alby finally came and so did the rest of the gladers. He stood in the middle of newt and Thomas putting his arms up to make room between them two while ordering them both to stop fighting.

"Newt? second in command getting into a fight? especially with your sisters boyfriend?" Alby looked at newt with shame. Newt rested his red swollen hands on his hips and looked towards the ground. He stood his ground and lifted his head and explained to alby what happened and why it had to happen. It ended up becoming a huge argument between us and newt and eventually Alby made them both apologize to each other.

we all walked off in different directions. "I'll be okay sweetheart thanks for sticking up for me"
Thomas told me as we headed off to our hammock. "Your welcome." I smiled at him and continued, "I'm definitely going to talk to newt about all that tomorrow though."

I kissed him gently on the lips as he did the same. "Now Let's get you all cleaned up."

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