Request #1

644 7 2

This is for @onechictolive
Very interesting idea!
hope you like it :)

'Listen to song while reading'

Warnings- none
Thomas P.O.V

I was miserable.

Misery was all I felt ever since my Stephanie was taken from me.

I still remember the day, its like the memory's glued in my brain, it hasn't left and it will never leave.

A griever took her
and I watched paralyzed while she screamed 'Thomas help me!'
all I did was watch in horror
I watched her being dragged away. I saw the terror on her face
I heard her screams and cries for help but I didn't move a single muscle.

And I regret it.

it's my fault and now I have to live with the pain knowing my little sunshine is somewhere in that maze.

"Hey Thomas" Teresa said while sitting next to me at the table. We were all having a bite to eat before continuing our daily jobs in the glade.

"Hey" I said back,not really in the mood to speak to any one

"So.. I've been wondering.. Where are all the other girls in this place. I mean I can't be the only one" she asked in a joking tone and it hurt. badly. But I replied.

"Well look around there are none. I mean there use to be" she was staring at me confused so I told her. I told her everything. About how I didn't move when steph was calling for me. About how this was all my fault if I only went to go and save her she would be here in my arms safe and sound.

"You know things happen for a reason" she stated but not this
this wasn't supposed to happen. she's innocent it should have been someone else,not her.

"I just miss her.I miss us. And if I could-"

I heard yelling and I could tell Teresa did to and all the other gladers because they all started to run towards the maze. I followed everyone until we were half way to the entrance.

Minho came out dragging someone along with him. Quickly I ran up to find out who it was.


"Minho! What.. How.. Where did you find her?!" I ask frantically while taking her in my arms

"She was just Layin on the ground in the maze as I was passing along trying to get back here and I looked around but-" Minho tried to explain but steph woke up and relief washed over me.

"Stephanie!! Your- your okay" I said in surprise while taking her into the biggest hug ever. I kissed all over her face and she chuckled while putting a hand on my chest to push me away.

"Babe I'm okay! The griever it-it didn't hurt me I don't know why it just laid me Down and ran off then I passed out and now I'm here. With you" she smiled at me.

I looked into her eyes and instantly I knew everything was going to be okay as long as we're together.

I helped her up and we stood there.
I could hear newt telling other people to get some food and water for her and he told Jeff to check steph for any open wounds.

But me and her just stood there. Our left hands intertwined with each others. I placed my right hand on her cheek and my lips on hers.

This was one of the moments I knew I would never forget.

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