short imagine (gally)

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Newt punishing you for 5 days in the pit, 2 of those days with no food for breaking one of the rules in the glade.


"And after those 5 days are up ,Gally you may let her go. Maybe then y/n, you'll learn to not break one of our top rules." Newt explain to the both of you

You looked towards Gally to see his reaction and there he was in disbelief. (Picture)

"Newt are you serious? 5 days in the pit?! And two of those without food-" Gally questioned but was soon cut off by newt

"Its for her own good gally." He said as he turned and headed towards the glade, leaving you and your boyfriend in the room.

He came up to you and gave you a hug "I'll come and see you as much as I can and I'll give you my food if your ever hungry okay? You just let me know if you need anything and i promise ill do whatever it takes to get it to you." He comforted as you two stood there for what seemed like forever.

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