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It's been two weeks since Jaelyn had her surgery on her appendix. I've been taking care of her and our children. Bridgette helps me with her as well. I broke up with Veronica but I had to have her doctor and mother to get her help.

"Dad Fergal?" Bridgette called. I look over at Bridgette. "Can we play some soccer?" she asked. "Sure, let me check on your mum first and we can go play," I said. Bridgette nodded. "Okay," I said.

I headed upstairs to check on Jaelyn. I knocked on the door. "Jaelyn?" I asked. She didn't answer, I heard the water running. I opened the door, she wasn't on her bed. I went to knock on the bathroom door.

"Jaelyn, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm okay. I am just gonna take a shower," she said. "Okay, I am gonna play some soccer with Bridgette," I said. "Are you gonna go to the park or the backyard?" she asked.

"The park where there's more room to run and we don't have to break windows," I said. "Good idea. Let's not forget that she kicked the ball hard and she broke the back deck door," she said. "I remember, we had to replace the door," I said.

"Yeah, well you two have fun. Remember to wear masks and take sanitizer," she said. "I got everything. We'll be back in an hour," I said. "Okay," she said. I left the bedroom and headed back downstairs.

Bridgette was getting her shoes on and mask as well. "Ready to go?" I asked. "Yeah," she said, smiling. "Is FJ and Lyndi still napping?" Bridgette asked. "Yes, they will be out for an hour. Give us time to play," I said.

I grabbed my mask and keys. Bridgette has the soccer ball. "Is there anything else you need?" I asked. "Water bottles to hydrate," she said. I nodded as I grabbed a couple of water bottles from the fridge.

"I got the waters. Let's go," I said. Bridgette nodded as we headed out the door. I locked the door and put the security code in. We got to my mini cooper. "Taking the Mini Cooper?" she asked.

"Yes," I said. "Awesome. Mommy doesn't like that car," she said, getting in the back seat. "Oh I know. When I got my driver's license, it was the first car I ever got. However, when Mommy and I go on dates, we always took her Lexus," I said.

I drove out of the drive way and started driving. "Oh my goodness," Bridgette said. "Mommy's picky but that's what made me fall for her," I said. "Dad Fergal, I have something to confess," she said.

"Oh is it a bad or good?" I asked. "It's something I need to get off my chest. I really don't want you two to divorce each other," she said. I looked at the mirror and looked at her. "You want Mommy and I to stay together?" I asked.

Bridgette nodded. "I think you still love Mommy and she still loves you. You've been taking good care of her after she got sick and had that appendix removed. I still want you two stay married," she said.

"Bridgette, I have something to tell you. I broke up with Lady Voldemort," I said. Bridgette smiles and cheers.

"Yay!! I am happy that you got rid of her," she said, smiling. I smiled back as well. "Me too. I can't deal with a toxic woman and I need to do what's best for me and you kids," I said.

"Are you gonna tell Mom?" she asked. "Yes I will but I need to do it with her one on one," I said. Bridgette nodded.

"Why don't you take her on a little date?" she asked. "I actually love that idea. Let's see how she will feel by then" I said.

Bridgette nodded. "Oh yeah. I forgot that Mommy had surgery. Wait until she's 100% better," she said, smiling. I smiled back at her. I pulled up to the park. "Let's go practice," I said. Bridgette and I got out of the car.

The Rebel Bella 1 (Finn Bálor/OC) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now