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Jaelyn's pov

      It's October 1st. Almost three months since Diva's Revolution started, things are changed. Fergal's still the NXT Champion. I am still on Team Bella. Been filming Total Divas, my relationship with Fergal is getting more serious. On Sept. 20th, at Night of Champions, Nicole lost the Diva's title to Charlotte, however, Lauren still remains the longest reigning Divas Champion of all time. Paige left Team PCB, Team Bad is now the fan favorites. Nicole gets a rematch at Hell in the Cell.

    I am in makeup, but then Carrano found me. "Just the Bella I am looking for," Mark said. "What did I do now?" I asked. "Nothing bad. Well, I just got out of creativity meeting with Hunter and Vince. You will be turning against Team Bella tonight," he said.

    "So I am going solo?" I asked. "Yeah but you will be going back to NXT though," he said. "Then who will be my replacement?" I asked. "Not sure. Then next week, you will have a match against Nikki Bella and then Brie," he said.

    "Okay, what will I be doing at NXT?" I asked. "Once you go back, Hunter will tell you what you'll be doing," he said. "Ok," I said. "Well, you finish getting glammed up and make it worth it," he said.

     After I got my make up finished, I went to get in my gear. I had to film a backstage segment with Team Bad. "Hey Jae, how's it going?" Sasha asked. I sighed and tried to walk away. "Where you going?" Naomi said, as she stopped me. "I have to prepare for this tag match with my sisters against you three," I said.

    "I know but we need to chat with you. Jae, you and me we go back to NXT, I remember the Jae Bella who sided with the Longest Reigning Divas Champion of all time aka Lauren Rollins and then came back to NXT as the Rebel Bella."When I was NXT Women's Champion, I put my title against you. Where is that Jae Bella. The Jae Bella I remember broke out of her sisters' shadows. I wonder how Lauren feels about you still hiding in the Bella Twins shadow. You have two choices. One you can hide in their shadows for the rest of your career or you can make a name for yourself to break out of there shadows like you always have," Sasha said.

     "Think about it," Naomi said. "You three, go!" Brie said. "All three of us will see you three in the ring," Nikki said. Team Bad walked away. "Thank you, girls," I said. "Anything for our baby sister," Brie said. "Let's go have a match," Nikki said. I nodded. Before walking away and I look over at Team Bad, smirking at them.

*Skip to match*

     Nikki, Brie, and myself are having an epic match against Sasha, Tamina, and Naomi in a six woman tag match.. She's still in the ring against Naomi. I am wanting back into the ring, but I am suppose to turn against them tonight. Nicole did a forearm smash to Sasha Banks but knocking Sasha into her corner. Naomi tags Sasha in. Sasha and Nikki fight. 

*end of the match* 

     Sasha got Nikki in the corner on the middle ropes and Sasha does the double knees to Nikki.  Sasha covered Nikki but Nikki kicks out at two. Nikki slowly crawled over towards me. I stood on the bottom ropes. 

     I held my hand out for Nikki to tag me, the crawls over to me. As Nicole was about to leep to tag, I move my hand back. The crowd cheers. "What are you doing?" Nicole asked. "Jae, tag her!" Brie yelled.

    I started down at Nicole, giving her the shooter hand that Fergal use to do then does a loser sign, jumping off the apron. I did Nikki's butt move she always does, I saw the look on Team BAD's face with a happiness. Nikki was yelling at me.

    As the match continues. Brie threw Naomi out and then Tamina. Sasha pushed Brie out of the ring. Sasha turned around. Nikki gives Sasha a forearm. She put Sasha on Nikki's back. I got back into the ring. Nikki put Sasha down and she kicked me away. 

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