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Fergal, me, Lauren, and Jon are in Arkansas for a house show. It's mine and Lauren's first in ring return at a live show. We are facing The Riott Squad in a No DQ and Countouts match. We are in control of the match.

Liv Morgan screamed at me and I screamed back at her. She was scared of me. I got up Liv backed up. She kicked me but I caught her foot. I dropped it and did headbutt.

Lauren does a handstand then does the neck breaker to Liv then I did the Lethal Injection; knocking Liv out. I covered her. "One...two....three!" the fans chanting. "Here's your winners; Team of Lauren Rollins and Jae Bella, Sisters of Justice!" Dasha announced.

The ref lifted our hands up. Sarah attempted to attack me in the ring. I swept her off her feet and double stomp. Sarah groaned and rolled over, crawling over to me. Lauren does the curbstomp to Sarah head. The Universe started cheering.

After our match, we headed backstage and smiled. "It feels good to be back wrestling. I got tired of Corey on commentary," she said. "I bet. You should have kicked him in the head," I said.

After Show

We all went out for a double date. "We definitely need this double date," I said. "I know. We haven't had one in forever," Lauren said. "It's good to have this double date," Fergal said, smiling.

"How's the twins?" Jon asked. "They are good. How's Rosalie?" I asked. "She's good. She's 9, will be 10 this Christmas Eve. How's Bridgette?" Lauren asked. "She's good. She still in San Diego with Bryson. She and Bryson will be moving to Florida to start 4th grade," I said.

"How old is Bridgette?" Lauren asked. "She's 8 but will be nine in May 14th," I said. "Time flies fast," Fergal said. "Is Rosalie still living with your mom is Iowa?" I asked. "No she lives with us. Our sitter comes over and babysits her," Lauren said.

"I heard you guys have a nanny," Jon said. "We do," Fergal said. "Is she older or younger?" Lauren asked. "She's older, she has two kids that grown, and still married," I said. "Who's idea was it?" Lauren asked.

"It was Jaelyn's idea but I didn't think it was a good idea but we did some interviews with nannies that have experience with kids, knows CPR, cooks healthy foods, and other great qualities. However, we didn't want younger nannies or sitters because we know the younger one like to seduce the fathers," Fergal said.

"That only happens in movies," I said. "I still don't trust them," Fergal said. "Jon and I know how Fergal feels about younger girls. Did you make sure they weren't huge of you guys?" Lauren asked. "We made sure they aren't fans of mine and Jaelyn's," Fergal said.

"So how's marriage for you two?" Lauren asked. "It's good," I said. "Still loving it. It maybe hard, we have our ups and downs. We make it work," Fergal said. "That we do. Every couple has their ups and downs. Especially taking care of twins," I said.

"When are you two tying the knot?" Fergal asked them. "Soon," they said together. "Can't wait. Have you went dress shopping?" I asked Lauren. "Not yet. Can you help me since I helped you find your dress?" Lauren asked. "Of course I can," I said, smiling.

Monday Night Raw

We are Raw. Fergal just finished his first title defense against Lio Rush. . Lauren and I have a segment coming up in the ring and to tell everyone why been attacking The Riott Squad. "I waited a long time for this moment," I said.

"I know. I am glad we are back. Mostly you. You waited since April of last year to get your revenge on them," Lauren said. "They crossed the line with me," I said.

"Coming up next, after their shocking return last week,the Sisters of Justice; Jae Bella and Lauren Rollins make their official return and explain why they targeted the Riott Squad," Michael Cole said on commentary.

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