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Fergal's at NXT tv. Fergal has a match against Grimes of which I won't be at ringside because I am not there. I am at home with Bridgette and the twins since Bryson has to work. It's not easy to take care of three kids when two of them are twins.

"I don't know how my mom did this," I said to myself. Bridgette was finished doing her homework. "Mom, Homework done," Bridgette said. "Let me see," I said, looking at the screen. I looked it over.

"Good job. Now go wash up for dinner," I said. Bridgette nodded as she went upstairs. I got the twin in their high chairs. I got a plate of chicken parm with zucchini noodles that Bridgette loves eating.

Bridgette came downstairs, showing me her hands. "Good job. I made your favorite," I said. "Chicken parm with zucchini noodles?" she asked. "Yes, sweetie. It's your pre-birthday dinner," I said, smiling.

I got smashed peas and swash for the twins that I made for them, putting it in a bowl for them. There you go, twins," I said. I got a plate of chicken parm with zucchini for myself.

After dinner, we went to watch NXT. Fergal's in the ring with Grimes. It's half way into the match. "I hope Dad Fergal beats Grimes up," Bridgette said. I nodded. I see Grimes trash talking and looked in the camera.

He slapped Finn. "Hey, Jae Bella! Watch me slap the taste out of your husband's mouth!" Grimes said, laughing about it. Balor get up, taking him down and does the double stomp. Balor growls afterwards.

Grimes rolls to the side of the ring. Balor kicks him in the guts, then stomps away. "Keep my wife's name out of your mouth," Balor said. The ref back him up. Grimes pulls Balor under the ropes.

Balor throws rights at Grimes, bashing his face on the ring. Balor gets back on the ring apron and stomps on Grimes, five times. The ref got to four and Balor stops. He backs up towards the post then does the apron kick to him.

Bridgette and myself are cheering Fergal on. "Get him, Daddy!" Irelynd said. "Lyndi cheered for Dad Fergal," Bridgette said. "Lets tell him that," I said. I see Damien Priest standing behind him. "Oh no," I whispered.

Balor turns around then gives Priest a right hand, taking him down. Grimes gets up and Balor does the slingblade to Grimes. He gets Grimes back in the ring then looks back at Priest. Balor tries to get back in the ring. Priest attacks Balor's knee with the nightstick.

I changed the channel to Nick at Night to prevent Irelynd seeing that. Irelynd looked at me. "Why change the tv?" she asked. "We don't want to see Daddy get hurt," Bridgette told Irelynd. "Thank you Bridgette," I said.

"Oh," Irelynd said, making a sad face. "You don't like seeing Daddy hurt?" I asked Irelynd. She shook her head, holding her arms out. I picked her up and held her. FJ crawls over. Bridgette picks up FJ and we all sit on the couch.

"Someday when you guys are older and you want to be wrestlers like Daddy and I are, you will understand why this happens in matches. It's part of the show," I said. Bridgette nodded.

Later that night, the twins are asleep and so is Bridgette. I waited for Fergal to get home. I heard the door open. I went to check on Fergal. "You okay?" I asked. Fergal was limping and I helped him to the couch.

"Thank you. I got a bruise on my left knee that's to Priest since he was my attacker," he said. I hissed. "Ouch," I said. "Did you let the kids watch it?" he asked. We did watch the match then the night stick attack, I changed the channel," I said.

"Oh good," he said. "Lyndi got upset afterwards and told her that she didn't need to see that," I said. "Aww," he said. "Also she said; 'Get him, Daddy' when you stomped on Grimes," I said. "Aww, I really missed," he said.

The Rebel Bella 1 (Finn Bálor/OC) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now