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Fergal's in the ring with Grimes. I am at ringside this time to make sure no one interferes. Grimes digs his shoulder into Balor. Grimes backs away as Balor goes on the attack. "Want to talk about my wife?" Balor asked.

He does the snapmare to Grimes, kicking him in the back. Grimes groans in pain, covers him. Grimes kicks out at one and Balor puts him in a headlock. I walked over to stare at Grimes. "Give up, Grimes!" I said.

Grimes tries to get out of it. Balor pulls him back. "This is for you, babe," Balor said to me. Grimes slowly gets up, grabbing Balor's face, pushing him back into the corner on my left. "Break the hold, Finn," Ref Drake said.

Balor breaks the hold as Grimes does a chest chop to Balor but it doesn't faze him. Balor gives Grimes a chest chop in return. Grimes grabs his check, going across the ring catty corner. Balor gives him another chop.

Grimes walks across the ring to the other post. Balor whips Grimes catty corner to the post, giving him a third chest chop. Balor whips him catty corner, giving him a fourth one then whips him again and giving a fifth chop, knocking Grimes off his feet.

I cheer Balor on, Grimes whimpers in pain. I mock Grimes' pain as Balor paces. Then kicked him but got caught. Grimes gets up, lifting Balor and planting him down. I covered my mouth. Grimes does a sliding knee strike.

Balor groans in pain. Grimes stomps on the back of Balor's neck. Grimes grabs Balor by his beard, giving his own chest chop. Then stomps on his hands. Balor pulls away from him. Grimes points at me.

"Hey, Jae Bella, this is a real man!" Grimes said. I hopped on the ring apron. Ref Drake telling me to get down. Grimes whips Balor as Balor reverses the Irish Whip into the ropes. Balor ducks as Grimes leaps over Balor, doing a sunset flip, Balor rolls through and does a drop kick to Grimes face.

Balor got up and I clapped. Balor goes back to Grimes as Grimes rolls out of the ring, trying to get away. I rushed over towards Grimes. He moves to the left and stops as he sees me. (Beth: Jae Bella standing in front of Grimes.)

"What are you gonna do, bitch?" Grimes said. The NXT trainees booed Grimes for calling me a bitch. I pointed at Grimes to turn around. Grimes turns around and Balor does a chest chop. Grimes groans, getting down on his knee.

Balor grabs him by the hair, getting him up and doing another chest chop. I backed up as Balor drives him into the barricade towards his left. Grimes falls down, Balor grabs him by the hair, throwing him back in the ring.

Ref Drake's at seven. Balor gets back in the ring and Grimes bounces off the ropes and does a clothesline to Balor. I looked away. Grimes covers Balor but Balor kicks out at two. I sighed in relief as Grimes got him in the chin lock, grinding his fist into Balor's head.

Balor tries to escape from it. Grimes still has a grip locked up. Balor got both of his feet, elbowing Grimes in the guts. Balor throws hard rights into Grimes, two times. Grimes whips him into the post.

Balor bounces out of the corner. I looked away and sighed. As we get to commercial break. Minutes later, Grimes was still in control of the match. Grimes got Balor's left arm pulled back and held his chin.

Balor tries to get out of it whilst I slap my hands on the ring apron to get the NXT trainees roudy up Balor. Balor gets up and starts throwing straight rights to Grimes, three times, Grimes whips him into the ropes.

Grimes does a knee strike to Balor's ribs. I rushed over to check on Fergal. "Don't give up," I whispered. "Grimes would be scared of you? You are mistaken!" he said. Grimes charges at Balor but Balor kicks him away.

The Rebel Bella 1 (Finn Bálor/OC) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now