Chapter 47

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Chapter 47
Michael, Marlon, and I were the only ones left in the kitchen. I sighed thinking to myself.

"What's wrong J?" Michael asked.

"Well, I don't really know if I wanna live with you or Marlon." I replied.

"T-tough decision," Michael stuttered.

"It doesn't matter to me." Marlon added.

"You serious? So you want me to live with Michael?" I asked.

"Whatever floats your boat," he laughed.

"I'm being serious!" I whined.

"I can't choose for you!" He laughed more.

I just rolled my eyes, "I wanna stay with you bu-." something just clicked, "I'm not living with either of you."

"Why?" They said in unison.

"I'm old enough to rent an apartment right?" I stated.

"Ew, an apartment." Marlon said.

"Shut up!" I laughed.

"How you gon' do that, when you ain't got a job?!" Michael asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot!" I sighed. "Well I'll just have to look for one."

"I'll pay for it!" Michael said.

"No, no, I couldn't let you do that! You've did enough!" I sighed.

"I'm serious J," he smiled.

"No Michael." I inhaled.

"Yes. You will take the money I give you!" He yelled.

"What if I don't want it?!" I yelled louder.

"Too bad!" He stormed out.

"Okay..." Marlon said.

I just looked at Marlon. He grabbed his keys and walked out. I got Mariah's carryall and followed behind him. Soon, we pulled up in his driveway. He unlocked his door, turned on the kitchen light, and threw his keys on the island. It's almost liked he stormed upstairs. I fixed Mariah's bottle then put it in the microwave. After I fed her, I fixed everything in the kitchen and laid Mariah on the bed. I walked down the hall but stopped at Marlon's door. It sounded like he was slamming down all of his stuff like his watch and shoes. I knocked on the door and he didn't answer so I knocked again. He still didn't answer. I walked to my back to my room. I turned on TV while Mariah slept. Well he just gon' have to stay mad.

☀️Next Morning☀️

I woke up and it's was freezing. I threw on some sweatpants and got a blanket out of the closet. I walked down to the thermostat. It read 52. This man got to be crazy! I changed it to 74 and walked downstairs. This man was cooking eggs with basketball shorts on and no shirt... he has officially lost it. He must be sick. I tapped him on the shoulder and he looked back. He didn't say anything and continued cooking his breakfast. I sat on the counter. He walked over to get his plate I was sitting in front of.

"Good morning," I smiled.

He still isn't saying anything. After a few minutes of silence, I got up walked upstairs to check on Mariah. Thankfully she was still sleeping. He could've froze my poor baby. I heard heavy footsteps come up the stairs. A few seconds later, his bedroom door slammed. This man got anger problems. I looked over at the bed and Mariah woke up.

"Good morning," I kissed her.
She just smiled in return.

Marlon walked through the door wearing his sweatpants and a muscle shirt. He had a bag of M&Ms in his hand and he still wasn't saying anything. He took Mariah out of my hands and walked back to his room. Umm, okay, I don't know if I should trust him with her because he's acting funny. I walked over to the crack in his door and he was sitting on the bed, whispering to Mariah. He kissed her and kissed her. She just giggled and smiled. She started holding on to his fingers and moving them around. I walked in the room. He looked up with an annoyed face.

"Umm, hey." I said.

He still isn't saying anything. He laid Mariah on the bed then went to the bathroom. When he came out, he sniffed then walked over to his dresser.

"I don't like it when you don't talk to me," I confessed.

He looked back with a tear rolling down his face, "And I don't like it when you talk about leaving me."

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