Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Jordyn's POV

I finished my test and turned it in. I laid my head down on my desk and peeked through the corner of my eyes. I saw Mike and Kim laughing an giggling.

Kim's POV

I stared at Michael. Oh, how I missed talking to and seeing him! It feels better to do that again. I saw this girl peeking at me and Michael. Ha! She thought she was slick! Then I payed attention to Michael again. I still love his smile, his personality...him! My feelings never changed.

Jordyn's POV

The bell finally rang, Jas and I rushed out of the room. I walked slowly to see if Mike would catch up. I looked back and he walking with Kim. I looked ahead and kept walking.


I guess it's just Jas and I. We sat at our normal table. I saw Mike and Kim walk in and Mike had arm around her. I was expecting for Mike to come sit with us and introduce her to me but I was wrong. They say at another table across the room and not ONE time Michael looked up to find me. Oh well, I'll give him some time.

"Why you keep spying on them?" Jas says while sticking a straw in her mouth.

"I wouldn't use the word "spying"." I said still looking over at their table.

"Spying!" Jas says then rolls her eyes.

"Whatever!" I rolled my eyes back.

*end of the day*
I was going home and saw Michael kissing Kim. Wow.  I looked out of my window and saw Kim pulling up in her driveway, right BESIDE my house! I walk in the kitchen as Jayden walks in the door. When she got in the kitchen, she ran and jumped in my arms.

"Why are you so happy?" She slid out of my arms.

"I made some friends!" Her eyes we filled with excitement.

"Oh for real?!" This is big for me and her because she doesn't make a lot friends.

"Yeah for real!" She said.

"Go put your book sack up. I'ma take us to the park. " After I said that, she ran to her room.
When she came down, I grabbed my keys, and drove to the park. Jayden was swinging on the swings and I was sitting on the bench. I looked to my right and saw Mike and Kim! Why can't I get away from them?! Michael turned his head and looked at me. I quickly turned my head so he wouldn't see me. He tapped me on my shoulder as he and Kim sat down.

"Heeeeyyyyyy!!!" Michael came over to me.

"Hey." My greetings are still dry.

"That's it?! I don't get any enthusiasm from my best friend!?" Michael looks a little disappointed.

I sigh, "Heyyy!"

"Well that'll do for now. Well, Kim, this is Jordyn. Jordyn, this is Kim." Michael introduces us.

"Hey." I suck up my attitude and greet her.

"Hi." She rolls her eyes .

I looked in the corner of my eyes and saw her giving me these stank ass looks. Ooh! She tryin' me already and we just met.

"J, we gotta go. Talk to you tomorrow." Michael and Kim get up and walk away.

"Aite." My attitude came back.

After they left, Jayden and I left.

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